The reason I'm bitchin' about this is that a lot of us put a lot of effort into Pride. We're talking year around unpaid hard work to get one week of festivities to work out so that people can express who they are in a comfortable setting and encourage respect and equality. Sure, sponsors are needed to get that working to but a lot of companies just slap a rainbow on some shit and call it a day without sponsoring and when the rainbow banners are gathered up, the parade is over and everyone's gone home to their usual existence there isn't even a fair treatment policy to show for it from most of the sponsors. Yeah, I bitch about this a lot more outside funsub because now that it's cool and hip to support us you get crap like 'GayQuil' but where were they ten years ago?
Second, I do. The rah, rah, rah, sis boom bah of support the troops isn't that different from what the majority do when pride month comes around... or any other psuedo-activisim stance for that matter.
It's all patriotism and flag waving but when the cards are down and it's really needed, where's the support? Just like the fart in the wind it's worth, it's gone. I'm sorry, but getting clapped at in an airport isn't "support."
Second, I do. The rah, rah, rah, sis boom bah of support the troops isn't that different from what the majority do when pride month comes around... or any other psuedo-activisim stance for that matter.
It's all patriotism and flag waving but when the cards are down and it's really needed, where's the support? Just like the fart in the wind it's worth, it's gone. I'm sorry, but getting clapped at in an airport isn't "support."
Support of the troops starts at the ballot box.