This is one of the truest things I have ever read in my life! Except I like to describe the cramps as being stabbed in the stomach by 100's of babies with blunt knives.
Nothing truer has ever been said.
And a tip for all the boys: Never piss of someone who bleeds for one week every month for about 30 years and doesn't die.
My opinion is if you have no vagina you then get no say in this subject. I don't see why we have to be punished for not getting pregnant. That is a bit cruel Mother Nature. I don't think you understand that out uterus' are literally ripping themselves out. Paracetamols just take too long to work
Diva cup wins!!
Seriously best thing ever!!
Don't have to worry about TSS, leaking, uncomfortable dryness(pulling out dry tampons), wetness, or worry about strings hanging out of shorts! Plus you can leave it in for 12 hours.. Only change it twice a day.
I get my cramps a day or two before mine starts. Its a fucking inferno inside my belly. Someone is taking a hundred hot spoons and stabbing me with them while a boa constrictor squeezes around me. And that's just the beginning...
To all those guys trying to fight us girls about this, unless you have a vagina that bleeds every fucking month for a week and go through what we do, you have invalid and irrelevant arguments.
Edited 11 years ago
· 10 years ago
I kept inventory of my ex's pads and tampons and would replenish the stock as needed. I know what you go through. I've experienced it.
I can't stop sleeping on mine. I'll lay down for a 3 hour nap and wake up for a half an hour and the. Take another 4 hour nap. Plus I am extrememly moody
this is so true. but for me, i get the cramps first, and the blood starts to flow really slowly the next hours. so i scarcely wake up in a puddle of blood. i am not afraid of tss, really.
It's hilarious because I'm on my fucking period right. NOW. and I'm trying to lie down without bleeding everywhere and hopeful ill just cry myself to sleep
I'm probably the only girl around here but I'm actually grateful for getting my period. It means I'm a healthy young woman. Men go through uneasy stuff as well during their lives. Yes, I do get cramps sometimes but it's only natural. If you love your body you love your uterus as well.
If you underestimate period pain, you're gonna be in for a bad time
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
@guest, the cramps hurt more than you think. It feels like you've been punched in your lower stomach 50 times with a nokia hammer, then Venusaur comes and makes it worse by stepping on your lower stomach, and finally your lower stomach gets hit by a train. So much blood and pain at the same time is what you're expecting
I guess I'm a lucky woman then that don't have heavy bleeding, no cramps, no PMS - at all. It's just like an ordinary day except that I have to change tampons.
Try having that for five weeks. I have endometriosis and when I'm not on birth control that's exactly how long they last. Heavy, extremely painful and waaayyy too long.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and it causes me to miss periods without birth control so then when I get one it lasts forever. My longest so far was 8 weeks straistraight
For people who are still saying that periods aren't that bad! Keep in mind that you may just be lucky! Some people have it worse than others and everybody is at least slightly different.
Not at all accurate for me.
1. There's plenty of warning before I start. I start craving chocolate and coffee so intensely that the rest of my food tastes bitter. I'll also admit to having a more difficult time keeping a lid on my temper/keeping my mouth zipped. And I'm horny as hell.
2. I always start during the third week of the month. It's always in the afternoon, and 90% of the time I'm already on the toilet when it happens.
3. I don't cramp. At all. There is some mild soreness/tenderness below the navel, and that's the end of it. No diarrhea, no other 'complications'.
4. I run 3-5 days, medium light. I can use panty liners most of the time, especially during the day.
5. I sleep on my stomach, and have never gotten more than a drop or two (dime sized) on my bed.
The only time my period is as described here is when I have bad food poisoning or the flu on top of it.
And all of my female friends have expressed the desire to murder me for my periods.
FOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THE CRAMPS AREN'T BAD! Listen to these words. 20-40 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE. So imagine getting stabbed with 15 tooth picks in your lower abdomen. That hurts, right? So try to be considerate about the people who aren't that great with the feeling of pain. Just be considerate.
I don't usually get cramps- not severe ones. There's that usual stomach ache that lasts for a a couple of minutes which hurts but not that bad, but other then that I don't usually get much pain.
My sister's a different story. It went so bad that she was rocking back and forth, crying. There was no position she could lay or sit without it hurting all over again :/
I've taken to likening my cramps to a 'charlie-horse' that you just can't get rid of....for hours! And they generally start about a day before I start bleeding.
If your cramps are so bad you're throwing up and unable to go about your life, you should see a doctor. Periods are unpleasant, but that is a serious problem.
I did - see a doctor, or doctors, that is. And, they're COMPLETELY USELESS. They tell you that "it's normal" and some people's periods are worse than others. Then, a prescription for Motrin 800mg, and they send you on your way. Then, you find out that Motrin only takes the pain from a 10 to maybeeee an 8, if you're lucky. Surley, you think, there HAS to be something seriously wrong, and the first doctor MUST have missed it, I mean, considering you'd rather die than go through another minute of this (except you can't move), has to mean there's something wrong, right? WRONG! Everything's just fine, apparently, your co-pay is $20. Goodbye.
yes its so fucking true and im literally crying because its happening now and just kill me now the mantra in my head all day has been :fuck life. up the ass... with a shovel... by the hulk
I hate to say it but it is natural. Everyone is different and it might not be this bad for you. I get severe cramps a day before I start so I know that it is on the way and I want so much chocolate!! Followed by headaches, cramps and tiredness for 3/4 days. Luckily I also have a fiance who asks me what he can get for me and what he can do to help.
This is soo true XD Im lucky....I got a Christmas present two years ago: three day period. But I get ghost cramps and head aches for a week or so and feel knives in the ovaries.
This is why pregnancy seems, initially, like a cure to periods. You spend three months with no period but puking everyday, three months feeling great because you have no period and are growing a baby, then three months swelling, crying, not sleeping, not being able to bend down or see anything below your belly button without realising you have a hard lump stopping you and brighten the experience by thinking "wow! I haven't had a period in 40 weeks". Pregnancy is brilliant for alleviating the problems of a period. Then you are handed your gorgeous, heart melting, tiny baby and told to bond with it. After that you get a 6 week solid period that you can't trust to stop, have to wear pads the size of your pillow, realise underwear is only there to hold said pads and now have boobs that also want some kind of pad attention. Now they hurt, are 3 times bigger and leak when someone else's baby cries. Oh and you've either laboured or had a c-section with stitches right before the 6 week period!
Agreed wholeheartedly but two things: 1. The lead-up before your period is also horrible. Far too many emotions in a two day period, leading up to a week of pain. Not to mention the pre-period cramps when you haven't had the validation of a period yet, so you're not sure if you're PMSing or have appendicitis. 2. Leave the pads behind after you're old enough to be having sex regularly. Too much stress; tampons are gross but at least you don't have to worry about diaper lines showing through your skinny jeans.
two days.
I had a depressed mood for only 2 days in September 2016. It was great.
It's been two weeks this month, and I think my body is skipping a month on me (hopelessness long enough it's difficult to remember life any other way). Probably because it's December, it'll only get better as the days get longer.
I don't get the physical problems. Once I get my period I go back to being myself.
Gets period and boils diva cup to sterilize it (when no one's around) and congratulates self on getting through another month.
Every word is true. I wud brutally kill cramps, were it a person. And i feel like ripping apart everything and everybody, bcz the excruciating pain drives me crazy.
I get mine in the mornings of the first week of the month. Usually the day before I get bad cramps and I get super nauseous. My cramps go from horrible at the beginning to almost nonexistent at the end. I'm always nauseous (but no vomiting or diarrhea) and I get migranes. My mom gets nothing and my aunt has the same as me. It's like I'll trade with my mom please, thanks!! But ugh, periods am I right?
You need to write a book. What really sucks is when you get sweaty and you can feel sweat in your butt crack, but your not sure if it's actually blood. So you have to sit there in school or at work and pray to god that it's not blood. The other horrible thing is that whenever you wake up in the morning and get out of bed it feels like the new niagra falls is coming from your vagina and you have to rush to the bathroom before all hell breaks loose.
My periods suck so bad. They last 9 days and the cramps start IMMEDIATELY, last the entire time, and my uterus doesn't even give a shit. And it usually starts when I'm in the middle of school. And worst thing of all I've probably got another 30 years of this horror.
It's kind of funny because I'm on it right now, and I'm lying on the bathroom floor because I threw up and crapped myself at the same time. ( baaad cramps) I was looking at other people's terrible stories trying to make myself feel better.
SO TRUE. It feels like my uterus is being tied in a tight knot and stretched to the point of not being able to walk. It's so painful, and the blood is warm and gross. Not to mention I get so moody and eat everything in sight.
Totally agree. Don't you hate it when people sAy - especially boys- say that we are being dramatic.
My opinion is if you have no vagina you then get no say in this subject. For them it is like getting flu ( and being punched in stomach for 40 seconds every 4-7 mins) only bleeding out of their penis for 5 days straight.
I don't see why we have to be punished for not getting pregnant. That is a bit cruel Mother Nature.
I don't think they understand that out uterus' are literally ripping themselves out. Paracetamols just take too long to work
You forgot the story of the girl who , each time she has her period, gets violently sick to the point that she can't go in to work because not only does she have these awful cramps and is throwing up, but she has a temperature of 102...and her family doctor refuses to believe she gets this sick. So she suffers for 3 years because her parents don't believe her all the while being told "you just can't handle being a girl"...It gets so bad that once she is old enough to get her own insurance, she has a laparoscopy because someone finally believes her...and she finds out she has endometriosis and is forever infertile because her own body destroyed her reproductive system.
this is exactly true. but it is different with every girl, my cramps would be too bad that i can't even move an inch away from my bed, and would have blood stain on my sheets like someone has been massacred on it. once, i even drank 2 pills of painkillers yet the pain didn't subside at all.
For me, if I get my period early I feel like I cheated the system: I get to poop again and I get to be happy again. It's the time leading up to my period that's the problem: I chose a job I don't enjoy, because it is boring enough I can still do it while feeling anxious. Some months are worse than others, and once in a while I'll have a month where I feel depressed enough that my body decides to skip my period, meaning more time struggling to pretend to be ok.
Cramps sound awful - I get mild cramps, but a friend got them so bad she would have to stay home sick from school.
Yes. This is insanely accurate. Guys have no fucking idea what we have to go through, and even joke about it. So of course we have to just laugh it off and act like it's nothing, right? Right...While in your mind you just want to tackle them down and beat the hell outta them. For real though.
She forgot to mention that two- three days before you even start your period your emotions are a mess and people around you can't understand why you are getting so upset over the simplest things. You can understand that the red horror is coming when you cry over literally nothing a day before you get it. Another thing not mentioned is getting anemia from so much blood loss. If you look up anemia you will see how it is something that no one wants to deal with.
The way I would describe menstrual pains would be how a headache feels like a clamp is being tightened on your head, but replaced with someone's hands phasing through your lower stomach and wringing them like you would a towel.
this is not an exaggeration. in fact its an understatement. i can put up with this shit but the fact that have to go about our normal life smiling and working in all this pain is horrible, although i know thats just that. also when guys say oh arent you used to it. like no no we are not it still hurts when you have a massive head ache you dont just get used to it same with period pain and all the other shit. or why do u guys complain so much. like no. thats not how it works. you dont tell us what hurts and what doesnt i am sure if a guy had the amount of pain we experience as well as all the other PMS theyd call a sicky or go home fromw work. but we dont. we just gotta stay and hold it all in til we get home and can ball our eyes out. sorry about the rant im angry and in pain
So I got my period when I was 8 and had cramps so bad the I had to stay home from school, then the bleeding started 2 weeks 2 days rest and start agian heavy bleeder straight through a heavy pad stains on my sheets didn't know what was wrong have thickning of the uterus had tablets didn't help now have the rod still have cramps but only every 3 months or so boys at school are dicks about it but girls understand
braxton hicks contractions, a baby pressing on your bladder or kicking you in your ribs, internal bleeding from a ruptured filopian(sp?) tube, actual contractions..... plenty of things are worse pain for women. damn near 20 years i have had a period....none have hurt more than pregnancy.
Maybe for you, sugar. But for me, it's pain so bad that it requires overdosing on painkillers, a heat pad, and nausea from the pain for minimum three days. Oh, and massive leg cramps too. It's like that for all the women in my family. My mom once told me, don't be scared of childbirth. Natural childbirth will be ok for you with the way you experience cramps. Every woman is different, so don't preach your easy period BS and think it applies to the rest of us. You're probably one of those girls who bleeds for two days and uses a panty liner. It makes the rest of us want to hurt you, badly. So go hunt your unicorns in that fairy tale land of reality you live in, the rest of us are WARRIORS. Battle scarred bitches of woman kind.
Yup. Didn't read ANY of that. GF sleeps all the time and is generally miserable all the time and I have no way of making her feel any better. I try and fail. I work all day come home to nothing accomplished(dishes, laundry, house cleaning) oh and this is when she NOT on her flow. I ask her to help out and I get made to feel like I'm the bad guy. She has no job and is home all day.
I'm sure it's all my fault. I'm to nice and I try.
Okay look... Not all girls are like this if your dating a useless piece of crap that's your problem... Not every single girls.. You said your self, that's when she's not on her period
What a pair you are.
Perhaps you both could break up and grow up a little.
I recommend she consider going to counseling, or finding out if she's depressed.
I recommend you learn it's rude to say "I didn't listen but here's my rant"
Magnesium supplements have been shown to help with cramps and PMS. Periods may be unpleasant, but that's no excuse to avoid trying to make it better each time. The risk of toxic shock syndrome is really very low and only an issue for tampons left in longer than 24 hours. Only 20 women a year get toxic shock syndrome from tampon use in the UK. I feel that this account of menstruation has been vastly exaggerated for dramatic effect. It's not just harmful for intergender relations, but frightening to those girls who have yet to start their period.
I'm a girl and I use tampons constantly. On the box, it says specifically that the risk is 1/100,000 which increases to 17/100,000 after eight hours. It's a low risk and completely worth it to me.
I have gone through child birth. Twice. And periods still fucking suck. Are cramps as bad as contractions? No. But for some of us cramps can be pretty fucking horrible. Especially for those of us with Endometriosis. So please shut up. It may not be bad for you but it might be the worst thing ever for others. Just like women who go through horrible labor while others sail right through it. glad you're a guy because all you guys really have to worry about is if she says yes or if your team won. Turn into a girl for a day and come back. You'll probably want to write a letter like this one also.
I take birth control even though I don't use it for its intended purpose. It lightens bleeding, decreases bloating, and gets rid of acne. It really helps. And it helps you plan period dates and push it out if you want to.
Unless you're debilitated with a medical condition like PMDD, endometriosis, etc. then no. Periods aren't that bad. Put on your big girl panties and quit being such pussies, you all make sane women look bad.
Everyone is different and it might not be this bad for you but it is for others. I get severe cramps a day before I start so I know that it is on the way and I lose my appetite completely. Followed by headaches, cramps that fell like I am being punched (have missed work because my cramps have been that debilitating) and tiredness for 4/5 days (usually end up falling asleep on the sofa) and of course bleeding!
And a tip for all the boys: Never piss of someone who bleeds for one week every month for about 30 years and doesn't die.
Seriously best thing ever!!
Don't have to worry about TSS, leaking, uncomfortable dryness(pulling out dry tampons), wetness, or worry about strings hanging out of shorts! Plus you can leave it in for 12 hours.. Only change it twice a day.
1. There's plenty of warning before I start. I start craving chocolate and coffee so intensely that the rest of my food tastes bitter. I'll also admit to having a more difficult time keeping a lid on my temper/keeping my mouth zipped. And I'm horny as hell.
2. I always start during the third week of the month. It's always in the afternoon, and 90% of the time I'm already on the toilet when it happens.
3. I don't cramp. At all. There is some mild soreness/tenderness below the navel, and that's the end of it. No diarrhea, no other 'complications'.
4. I run 3-5 days, medium light. I can use panty liners most of the time, especially during the day.
5. I sleep on my stomach, and have never gotten more than a drop or two (dime sized) on my bed.
The only time my period is as described here is when I have bad food poisoning or the flu on top of it.
And all of my female friends have expressed the desire to murder me for my periods.
My sister's a different story. It went so bad that she was rocking back and forth, crying. There was no position she could lay or sit without it hurting all over again :/
I had a depressed mood for only 2 days in September 2016. It was great.
It's been two weeks this month, and I think my body is skipping a month on me (hopelessness long enough it's difficult to remember life any other way). Probably because it's December, it'll only get better as the days get longer.
I don't get the physical problems. Once I get my period I go back to being myself.
Gets period and boils diva cup to sterilize it (when no one's around) and congratulates self on getting through another month.
My opinion is if you have no vagina you then get no say in this subject. For them it is like getting flu ( and being punched in stomach for 40 seconds every 4-7 mins) only bleeding out of their penis for 5 days straight.
I don't see why we have to be punished for not getting pregnant. That is a bit cruel Mother Nature.
I don't think they understand that out uterus' are literally ripping themselves out. Paracetamols just take too long to work
Cramps sound awful - I get mild cramps, but a friend got them so bad she would have to stay home sick from school.
The way I would describe menstrual pains would be how a headache feels like a clamp is being tightened on your head, but replaced with someone's hands phasing through your lower stomach and wringing them like you would a towel.
I'm sure it's all my fault. I'm to nice and I try.
Perhaps you both could break up and grow up a little.
I recommend she consider going to counseling, or finding out if she's depressed.
I recommend you learn it's rude to say "I didn't listen but here's my rant"