Um my husband, daughter and me do.
We always watch the ones from last year while we wait for night time to shoot off new fireworks. And since we went to Disneyland last march and they had fireworks we are going to watch those as well.
We also watch old videos of ones that are our favorites.
It is our family tradition.
As a Texan I must say, the firework shows in Tennessee are far more insane. They go one for a week, and unless you have soundproof walls, you'll have a hard time getting any sleep. Somebody's house in the neighborhood is going to catch fire, that's just part of the roulette game. You will see seven year olds setting off cherry bombs.... and trying to aim them by setting rocks under the base.
Come to think of it, that's a perfect example of de-regulation gone wrong. Tennessee has some of the laxest firework laws of any state, so crazy shit like what I described happens. Seriously, I've seen people's houses burn down... my step brother and I nearly burned down our own grandmother's house, but as it was our grandmother's house, we were familiar with where the hose and the nozzles were.
It wasn't just fireworks for show, we also used to use firecrackers to blow up fire ant colonies. We'd get a little hand shovel, cut open the "hill" part of the colony, and then drop in 4-5 firecrackers and wait.
Nobody in the neighborhood cared... it sounds like someone is setting off mortars through the neighborhood and NOBODY cared.
Looking back at summers at my dad's house, the nostalgia increases exponentially. Fun times.
We always watch the ones from last year while we wait for night time to shoot off new fireworks. And since we went to Disneyland last march and they had fireworks we are going to watch those as well.
We also watch old videos of ones that are our favorites.
It is our family tradition.
It wasn't just fireworks for show, we also used to use firecrackers to blow up fire ant colonies. We'd get a little hand shovel, cut open the "hill" part of the colony, and then drop in 4-5 firecrackers and wait.
Nobody in the neighborhood cared... it sounds like someone is setting off mortars through the neighborhood and NOBODY cared.
Looking back at summers at my dad's house, the nostalgia increases exponentially. Fun times.