Saying that you shouldn’t be upset because someone has it worse is the same as saying you shouldn’t be happy because someone has it better.
· 5 years ago
All this trivial shit is one thing so I have no actual qualm with this post but I fucking hate when people pull this card when someone is genuinely upset.
My computer bricked and I lost my years worth of work, Karen, now is hardly the time to get on your soap box because you watched a documentary once.
There isn’t competition in problems. Objectively we can judge some problems worse than others but subjectively we cannot. What’s worse- being burned to death or drowning? Unless you have experience in both you can’t know what either is like. You might relate- “I burned myself once and it hurt so much I’m sure drowning is better...” all guesses. But more so-
If you cut my leg off and I punch you in the eye- does the fact my leg being removed is a worse injury means it so your eye doesn’t hurt? It still hurts you- what if we punch each other in the eye- apples to apples. If you cry- does that mean you’re weaker than me, or I punched harder than you? To each of us aren’t we most likely to argue that our own pain is worse than the others? Is the message here to “suck it up” and bottle up your feelings? Should you keep silent if your partner hits you because another’s partner rapes them? Should you never complain your partner forgets dinners because someone else’s forgets their birthday? What’s the line there?
My computer bricked and I lost my years worth of work, Karen, now is hardly the time to get on your soap box because you watched a documentary once.