Who do we owe money to?!? The Decepticons!?!
5 years ago by hangman · 409 Likes · 3 comments · Trending
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· 5 years ago
The aliens at Area 51, of course
· 5 years ago
Stupid math lesson time. If I owe you $5 dollars and you owe another person $5 dollars even if we have the money to pay back everything we're still $10 dollars in total debt. Slightly more complicated. If I owe you $10 dollars but you owe me $25 dollars the total debt is $35 dollars even though when you pay me back you would only need to give me $15 dollars. This is how they figure the math for this news.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Wrong, the government prints bonds. The Federal Reserve (which is neither federal or a reserve) buys those bonds. They then print Federal Reserve Notes, which is the bills in your wallet. The government then has to pay back the Federal Reserve for buying those bonds, with interest. Even though the Federal Reserve sells those bonds to other countries who hope to make money by us paying the interest.