It says both of them are uncultured swines!
One doesn't wear sunglasses while sunbathing like what kind of monster going around ruining your eyes like that!
And they both put their books straight on the sand! Unbelievable!
Well- it does actually say something about society. Alimony everything does. It might not be poignant or revealing always- but ask an anthropologist who has to discern how people live or how things change based on stuff like fossil turds. Or am economist who sees patterns and spurious correlations between the number of chicken nuggets ordered and the most popular brand of lawnmower in a time period. But we certainly can say society has become more tolerant of self expression like tattoos and overall less tolerant of other things like intolerance in general.
As an anthropologist-to-be, I got really excited to see @guest_ mention us. (He's the coolest.) But, erm. Technically fossil turds are the domain of archaeologists-- though archaeology is a *subfield* of anthropology, so he's not really wrong. Cultural anthropologists like me study stuff exactly like this! Self-expression, intolerance, all that good shit. Keep it up, guys, and lemme study you...
Lol. I apologize for not making the distinction clearer. I don’t mean to offend- but in my head I just automatically make the jump. In my mind “General” archeology is a field cant be deprecated from anthropology because without context then you’re just a treasure hunter or a collector of old stuff and not an archeologist. Please keep up the good work though- we need y’all!
No problemo! I can absolutely see your reasoning there, heh-- and it's way more flattering than the reverse, which is much more common. I'm still an undergrad and have already been confused for an archaeologist at least five times, and asked whether I've gone on any digs yet approximately three! XD Better for all of us to get called anthropologists than the other way round.
Oh man. I think you may have to stop wearing your Sable fedora and leather jacket- or at least not carry the bullwhip all the same time- to mitigate some of the public confusion.
· 5 years ago
Wow tattoos didn't exist in the 1960s? I learn a new thing every day!
This is ironic because he just proved the point of the post. The point is that people don't think tattoos mean anything anymore and they're just "whatever it looks kewl." There are other points, such as how people feel about their bodies, but the other point is even more obvious and ironic.
One doesn't wear sunglasses while sunbathing like what kind of monster going around ruining your eyes like that!
And they both put their books straight on the sand! Unbelievable!