culture of the people plays a big part. Diversity of the people also plays a big part. Lastly how many guns are already in the system both legal and illegal plays a VERY large part.
I think one of the thinhs was that places in Chicago (they have strict gun control) have laws that prevet almpst anyome from getting a gun. The issue comes from other states that have loose gun control and the fact that people can buy and sell with little restrictions.
Summary: people buy guns from other places and bring them in.
Exactly. People like to throw "but Chicago" out without really understanding that other states have very lax gun laws, and that Chicago is far from the most dangerous city.
I thought that sounded wrong, so I looked it up. Turns out, you're right. Chicago is number 10 in gun deaths. 247wallst (dot) com/special-report/2019/08/04/cities-with-the-most-gun-violence/
Summary: people buy guns from other places and bring them in.