This Snow White adaptation looks promising...
"mirror on the wall, am I the prettiest?
- Nope, my apple-faced lady, the witch is prettier.
- That bitch, I'mma make her eat her step-daughter.
She'll choke and die without a protest and I'll remain the best"
Honestly though. We've become so good at putting filters on things. Facebook Instagram and others are just ways of showing off how great life is even though life sucks and we're depressed.
Were depressed because we've replaced the things that matter like human connection, nature, and creativity with an blind desire for money and self image.
We form fake relationships just to feel better about ourselves or worse use them for our image or gain.
We have fickle friends who will cancel if something better comes along
And we're locked in a constant mental struggle between self loathing and shallow narcissism.
And then we turn and throw stones at our politicians who are also greedy dishonest and narcissistic. Who btw are just a reflection of us.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Ghandi
Sorry rant over.
"mirror on the wall, am I the prettiest?
- Nope, my apple-faced lady, the witch is prettier.
- That bitch, I'mma make her eat her step-daughter.
She'll choke and die without a protest and I'll remain the best"
Were depressed because we've replaced the things that matter like human connection, nature, and creativity with an blind desire for money and self image.
We form fake relationships just to feel better about ourselves or worse use them for our image or gain.
We have fickle friends who will cancel if something better comes along
And we're locked in a constant mental struggle between self loathing and shallow narcissism.
And then we turn and throw stones at our politicians who are also greedy dishonest and narcissistic. Who btw are just a reflection of us.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Ghandi
Sorry rant over.