Actually.... not so much. Lactation is primarily the result of hormone levels. Women who aren’t pregnant and even men can lactate. Sensitivity to hormones like prolactin can cause it, over production of prolactin such as from a pituitary gland issue or a tumor/damage to the gland, even certain medications like antidepressants can cause lactation. In fact, some people can lactate simply from regular prolonged nipple stimulation, and at least one case is recorded of a woman lactating for no discernible medical reason- but simply from what seemed to be an emotional response. Conversely, some women rarely do not lactate even when pregnant. So sorry, but your “milk” does not cause her to make milk. It can be a contributing factor but isn’t always needed nor always effective when it comes to lactation.
...i can shoot people with tit juice if i take my meds? Seems like a good reason.