You wouldn’t necessarily have the same tolerances. You have the same MEMORIES. Same DNA. But- nothing in the question implies that they have any actual experiences. Their skin hasn’t build calluses. They’ve never been cut, hit, burnt. Ever go a long time without any sexual contact (even yourself,) and when you do it’s very intense? They REMEMBER sex but are a virgin. Their genitals have never been exposed to friction or stimulation. Just basic masturbation or penetration or friction could and likely would be uncomfortable for them until their bodies had a chance to get used to it and develop a tolerance. So pain, sex, any physical action or sensation they would likely not have the same tolerance.
They have the same theoretical maximum tolerance as you. But.... the second after they are cloned- the clock starts. That’s the point at which your memories no longer sync. Each moment from that point on you have become different people. Different experiences and etc. how each moment will effect who you are is unknown- but you would- the more time had passed- be different people at that point. More like brothers than clones in that regard. Like twins.
But a “clone” is genetic. Scars and calluses aren’t genetic. Without magic- someone would have to add those. You’d need an insane attention to detail to have them match exactly in every regard- and... 1. If you got a scar 10 years ago it looks different than if new. They can’t just cut your fresh clone and have the scars match. 2. The way scars form has a random element to it. Even an identical trauma might not produce an identical scar. Your body also may heal differently. 3. WHEN you got the scar part 2. Your body heals differently as it ages. If you get a scar at 15, time travel, don’t get the scar, then time travel to when you got the scar and get it again but at 40- your body will react differently to the damage.
So to make it “identical” they’d have to do some degree of “manual” aging on the clone while also having a comprehensive history and data of all your bodies injuries etc. then they’d have to reproduce those, with weathering etc- and hop they turned out correctly to boot. But any “weathering” of a clone compared to one generated as an adult would itself- likely cause differences since the clones environment and yours aren’t the same.
Think like bellybuttons. A laboratory clone has none. Belly button isn’t genetic. It’s a scar. You can simulate one- but scars are random. You could use a surrogate etc- but.... the “you” that you are is partially determined by your mom.
The levels or hormones your mother produces effect your development in the womb. That’s not in your DNA per se. what your mom eats, breathes, etc- effects the development of your mind and brain. If you don’t replicate that- you can’t be truly identical.
Mom’s poop usually when they give birth. The bacteria that will colonize your digestive tract generally share mitochondrial DNA to your earliest female ancestor. So they’d need to replicate then exact mix and family o f bacteria in your gut. Which- by the way influence our behavior and so in part make up our actions and decisions.
Ever done drugs? Some can cross the blood brain barrier and act on the brain directly. Recreating the memory of doing drugs doesn’t recreate that. They could try to simulate the effect- but those are, like scars, complex and multifaceted. Chemicals and actions we do also effect receptor uptake in the brain- which effects behavior and mood. That’s not genetic and not something cloning copies.
One of our best insights into cloning are identical twins. Nature’s clones. They will, of raised together, share many of the same Memories. They share genes. They shared a womb. But very early in most twins differentiate themselves as individual personalities. Even as babies. One may be fussier or eat more or have different things it likes or responds to.
In point of fact- many people related or not are often have very little separating them genetically etc but are vastly different. It doesn’t take much to make two people different.
Think of this: You want a waffle. You buy a waffle. After you eat the waffle, you wish you wouldn’t have gotten the waffle. It has been 5 minutes, but if faced with the same decision, you wouldn’t make it the same way again. You aren’t “identical” to you with only minutes of divergence in experience. That’s all it takes.
Your mad at your friend. If you see them you’d sock them in the face. The next day, you find out they had a good reason for the thing that made you mad- and you’re the jerk. You feel bad. 24 hours is all it takes to go from punching them when you see them, to apologizing. Magically identical alternate universe you doesn’t find out the good reason and is still mad in 24. Punches them. Your car gets keyed. You blame them. Alternate you finds out they had good reason for the first thing you were mad about.
Alternate universe you says “well fuck them anyway.” You don’t feel bad because now you blame them for keying your car, so it doesn’t matter what you did as in your mind they’re a POS anyway. The two yous progress in life- one with them as a friend. On without. Any opportunities, experiences, troubles they’d bring to your life- other you misses and had different experiences.
A very small difference can lead to a very large divergence and it doesn’t take much to make noticeable difference in a person. A friend can go away for a short time and come back very different. The younger you are the less it takes in general to make larger changes. But decisions and interactions are made by moods which are influences by a multitude of factors that go beyond genetics (or at least genetics as far as we an understand it presently.)
Tl:dr- So an “absolutely identical clone,” even one with your memories- would stop being absolutely identical almost immediately- and an “absolutely identical clone with your memories” is still only as identical as a clone can be. An identical duplicate or copy could theoretically be identical in every aspect and facet. A counterpart from an alternate dimension, MAYBE even if you were knocked out, and then while knocked out, a you from the past or future 1 second or less was taken into the same frame of time. But a clone? Clones are clones.
Ok.... but “absolute identical clone” might not be possible. In a “non magic” scenario- cloning copies DNA- but things like trauma, life style choices, surgeries and injuries aren’t genetic. They could try to relocate them or the effects- but the outcomes of things like a surgery are random. To replicate lifestyle effects would be a complex and imprecise thing. For instance- every time you are exposed to a certain chemical you may have a statistical chance for cancer or addiction, liver damage, etc. you can also develop things like allergies and THAT is random too.
If it’s a “magic” copy of you in every way... that’s different. But first things first. Me and my copy would likely try to work together to both get out. Or find a loophole we could exploit to both get out. Like it says “only one of you can leave...” ok. But it doesn’t say you can’t come back either. So we could swap. Take vacation days. Set up a bed, game console, work station, weights etc. One of us leaves and the other stays. Then we switch days. When one of us wants time off from work or life we go to “the fortress of solitude” and the other goes to our life. Perhaps we even get a second “remote” job or create our own company. One of us runs it from the fortress of solitude and one of of works irl. We poop money and swap enjoying the perks.
One of us works on “side projects” in the fortress while the other holds down the bills etc. we do debriefs daily to keep each other synced up on events and interactions. Log and journal conversations etc.
One of us could do online college classes full tike while the other works. Get us a better job. Something like that. Then we swap and the other advances and updates the degree so one of us is always on the cutting edge.
If we couldn’t do that- then it all depends. With a “magic” clone- we couldn’t make a decision who is “real-“ but likely would agree with no better criteria the one who actually lives the memories is the real one. That one leaves. If we can- that one will furnish the other with things to do in the “jail.” If we cant- the “real one” kills the fake or the fake kills themselves. If it’s “science” cloning- we’d probably agree that the clone goes free.
The clone has all the real ones memories and abilities- but doesn’t have the physical traumas, environmental and chemical exposure of the original. Therefore the clone has a better chance to avoid health complications and to live longer. HOWEVER- a couple caveats apply. 1. We would need to discuss wether we believe there might be “issues” with the cloning process. Might the clone experience long term genetic complications from cloning or accelerated growth? Are there health issues I’ve had treated that the clone hasn’t experienced biologically and is likely to face- but at a later age and thus at a higher risk of complication from illness or treatment?
What about motor skills etc? The clone has my memories- but the clone has likely never tied a knot, had a fight, worked on small machines, played basketball or video games, driven a car. Their muscles don’t have the “muscle memory of those things. The first time they try to eat with chop sticks or build a model or use a keyboard will be their first time. They’d be a like a stroke victim or something who needs therapy to do everyday things and things that we need for work and life- things we love to do. In which case we’d both likely agree that the original should leave. Either way we aren’t leaving the other trapped in a cage. If we can’t tag in and out or at least being the other toys and distractions- the one that stays dies.
This kinda happens on "living with yourself" starting Paul Rud. Its a good mind trip of a show recommend to the funsub peeps out there reading comments.
· 5 years ago
That show is so amazing and you can binge it thru an afternoon.
In which case you can both leave and only one of you will leave! Except.... the moment after the copy is made you’re no longer “the same person” unless you are linked and what happens to one happens to both, what one sees or feels so does the other etc. because you and your copy will have different experiences starting the second you are both discreet individuals. In the same way you are not the same person you were moments ago or days or years ago even though you have the same DNA- the same body. The information and experiences you have that are different make you different. Hence you aren’t identical to your 3 year old self. Being duplicated is generally a major life experience after all
Of course- even without that fact or that in dispute- a factory can create two indistinguishable machines. Same program to the letter, same stored memories etc. BUT- the fact that our new cars or digital watches or sneakers we own are identical doesn’t make them the same. You’d likely be upset to find out I took your shoes or your car- even if I left my identical ones for you to use in the meantime.
Or, y'know, fuck yourself into submission.
Either works.
"No, you submit!"
"We have the same tolerance how tf are we gonna do this"
They’d have the calluses and the scars
And then they fuck.