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· 5 years ago
Always loved the term bitch-made
· 5 years ago
I have a vastly unpopular opinion: I despise Michael Scott, and can only watch episodes from after his departure
· 5 years ago
Yeah, I have a hard time with the show too. It's not fun for me to watch a show about bad, miserable people being miserable to each other.
· 5 years ago
I do too. I think he's a horrible person and being stupid shouldn't excuse his behavior. The show is also pretty depressing if you think about it, too
· 5 years ago
Ah yes except that the office is still widely popular with young and old adults and that the point of the joke is that he’s inappropriate.
· 5 years ago
It paints a comforting picture for those who shake as they type the word “snowflake” at anyone who lives life in deeper context than “what’s going on in my world today...” However- the fact shows like South Park, Rick and Morty, Family Guy, Archer, and many more are current and popular- some of the top 10 comedy specials on Netflix are “offensive humor” by people like Dave Chapelle. Offensive humor is still well received and popular- but people are demanding it be more intelligent than bigoted one liners or openly mocking those seen as “others.”
· 5 years ago
In fact- one of the HUGEST and most accepted forms of offensive humor is when it isn’t the joke that is the punchline but the person telling it. When we aren’t laughing because this character made some homophobic remark- we are laughing because they are a baboon who would say or think such a thing in 2019. People still laugh at Micheal Scott because HE wasn’t funny, his CHARACTER was funny. A man with almost no self awareness and even less awareness of that which wasn’t him. A man who’s bored of the world could have come from a comic strip from a bygone age and just lacks the simple intelligence to actually relate to other people- but his redeeming trait being that he would often at least try in his own way when it came to it. The offensive humor isn’t the joke with Micheal Scott. He is the joke. Satire- the day is coming where we can see bigotry as buffoonery- to be laughed at and pitied- not taken to heart and aspired to.