murder the critics and leave your fucking body rotten for the roaches and crickets!
This is the business, and ya'll ain't getting nothing for free
And if you devils play broke, then I'm taking your company
You can call it reparations or restitution
Lock and load nigga, industrial revolution!
Common ground here?
"Well regulated" means "In proper working order". In the case of a militia meant to ensure the security of a free state, that means with minimal structure and no government oversight.
· 5 years ago
I'm with @famousone here. I mean, even CNN is willing to say that "well regulated" means "well armed" or "in effective shape to fight". (Google: well regulated militia, national constitution center)
In any case, the SCOTUS has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects each individual's right to own a firearm with limited exceptions. DC vs Heller, if I remember right.
Hey, @scatmandingo when's the last time you saw a government who practiced discipline with taxpayer's money? Proper structure doesn't come from the government. My government is taking our guns away to disarm and control us. That's my piece.
Who’s talking about individual gun ownership? Why would minimal structure equate to effective? A military force meant to be effective in battle has intricate structure, strong discipline and oversight to maintain its abilities to the fullest.
A militia without guns is called a mob. Individual gun ownership is necessary. Also, I see you practice the long jump so I shall bid this conversation adieu.
Intricate is complicated, and complicated fails when under stress.
Discipline has nothing on heart, and ought to be left to the squad level for local irregulars.
And oversight is fine, so long as it's not conducted by those that militias are meant to protect against.
Simply compare the effectiveness of General Washington's Summer Soldiers to that of Robert's Rangers.
Or the NVA compared to the VC.
I could go on.
The militia cannot stand up to US forces, nor those capable of invading the United States, so battle isn't even a passing concern. Ambush, assassination, hit and fade tactics. The name of the game is guerrilla warfare.
We dream about killing tyrants. Especially the kind that want to disarm our families and neighbors, takeing away their liberty and the constitutional rights that we swore to defend.
This is the business, and ya'll ain't getting nothing for free
And if you devils play broke, then I'm taking your company
You can call it reparations or restitution
Lock and load nigga, industrial revolution!
Common ground here?
In any case, the SCOTUS has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment protects each individual's right to own a firearm with limited exceptions. DC vs Heller, if I remember right.
Discipline has nothing on heart, and ought to be left to the squad level for local irregulars.
And oversight is fine, so long as it's not conducted by those that militias are meant to protect against.
Simply compare the effectiveness of General Washington's Summer Soldiers to that of Robert's Rangers.
Or the NVA compared to the VC.
I could go on.
The militia cannot stand up to US forces, nor those capable of invading the United States, so battle isn't even a passing concern. Ambush, assassination, hit and fade tactics. The name of the game is guerrilla warfare.