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· 5 years ago
How about give the name of people in charge of fixing it. Because the contractor is not at fault when the road goes through wear and tear. It is the people in charge of fixing it fault.
· 5 years ago
We could point the fingers in many directions. The truth is that in 2019 it’s more common for road work to be done by private contractors than public employee. We can start by blaming law makers and politicians who put pressures and restrictions on governments that made outsourcing the way to go. Numerous audits have shown that the idea contract labor is cheaper is a fallacy. In Texas is was shown that almost every common road repair was about 3x more expensive than using government employees.
· 5 years ago
But even so... wether it’s government or private... a repair to a road is only as good as the road under it and vice versa. So who gets the fall? Who designed the road? Who picked the location? Who prepared the substrate? Who laid the road? Sealed it? Who maintains it- cleans it, makes sure it isn’t being destroyed by water and plants? Who repairs it? If the road fails or the repair fails- is the work above the last step perfect and failed because the last guy or the next guy didn’t do their job well?
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· 5 years ago
Who picked the contractor? Why? Often they give the contract to the lowest bidder, often there are promotions and bonuses to be had for coming in under a budget. We do know sometimes there are “incentives” and relationships between officials and contractors too. But what has a budget contractor done wrong? They offered a service at a price point. It’s not the fault of the dollar store that the beach chairs you bought weren’t as nice or durable as the $300 ones your neighbor has is it? Someone made the decision that what mattered most was how cheap the road could be built. When price is your primary concern you are almost always likely to be disappointed by what you get.
· 5 years ago
So I don’t know that it is fair to go after the people out there working and likely doing their honest best when they aren’t usually the ones who make the decisions that will effect how long the road lasts etc. Of course when the plans say “use this type of material..” or “make it this thick” etc. and the worker doesn’t to save time or money or out of laziness or carelessness- sure. They are on the hook. But most people won’t dig deep enough to find out who is REALLY to blame and just want someone to blame. It’s easier to harass a construction working than a governor so I could see why many would rather pick on them.
· 5 years ago
And that's the before if it's in a neighborhood with a HOA. Have fucking fun with that. Endless votes, yet we all agree the road is fucking pRoKaN.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Lol. True that.