Some people don't realize when you get a bird like that it has to become like a child to you if you don't treat it like it's your baby then you might as well just get rid of it give it to someone who will. They're not meant to stick in cages all day they need interaction. They can die of a broken heart.
Indeed. A lot of people don't realize the amount of attention they need, AND the specific ways to give it to them.
They don't realize that any toy you buy for the bird IS going to be broken, probably quite quickly. You'll likely need a small trust fund set aside just for buying new toys
That the birds will likely scream a LOT, especially during breeding seasons depending on the species (and that some species can become sexually attracted to their owners if pet in certain ways.. Which leads to a whole new mess of problems).
Several species of birds can only be sexed via DNA also iirc. So even keeping multiple birds together you have to be mindful of whether you plan on letting them breed.
Many of them require training and very specific diets to keep their behavior in check
They spend all their time in the wild being active pretty much. Grooming, flying, searching for food etc...
...So they need constant stimulus and pretty much constant attention (especially if you don't have more than one bird).
Most birds left alone in cages develop horrible habits of pulling their own feathers out because they're bored and stressed out of their minds. A lot of them never unlearn these habits and will continue to hurt themselves even after they're in healthy environments
There are some rehabs for birds that are more akin to asylums because the birds have more or less gone insane from the abuse and neglect they experienced and never fully recover and need very special care.
That's part of what makes this an amazing video - the fact that this little cockatoo managed to survive all that and come out still able to be so happy and healthy
Basically birds are amazing, intelligent, fun creatures that you can likely have a sort of relationship you couldn't have with many other types of pets..... But they're not easy to take care of.
Have to approach adopting some of these bird species almost as if you were adopting a kid. If you're not prepared to go the distance, you should probably just stick with something simpler that won't live anywhere near as long as a bird would
They don't realize that any toy you buy for the bird IS going to be broken, probably quite quickly. You'll likely need a small trust fund set aside just for buying new toys
That the birds will likely scream a LOT, especially during breeding seasons depending on the species (and that some species can become sexually attracted to their owners if pet in certain ways.. Which leads to a whole new mess of problems).
Several species of birds can only be sexed via DNA also iirc. So even keeping multiple birds together you have to be mindful of whether you plan on letting them breed.
Many of them require training and very specific diets to keep their behavior in check
They spend all their time in the wild being active pretty much. Grooming, flying, searching for food etc...
Most birds left alone in cages develop horrible habits of pulling their own feathers out because they're bored and stressed out of their minds. A lot of them never unlearn these habits and will continue to hurt themselves even after they're in healthy environments
There are some rehabs for birds that are more akin to asylums because the birds have more or less gone insane from the abuse and neglect they experienced and never fully recover and need very special care.
That's part of what makes this an amazing video - the fact that this little cockatoo managed to survive all that and come out still able to be so happy and healthy
Have to approach adopting some of these bird species almost as if you were adopting a kid. If you're not prepared to go the distance, you should probably just stick with something simpler that won't live anywhere near as long as a bird would