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· 5 years ago
There are some games this isn’t true for. It can be fun- or just terrible. Some older fighting or VS games, including some of the Gundam turn based strategy games- when you unlocked a boss they were not nerfed. Those characters had considerable advantages over anyone else- especially with a human intelligence behind them. And for some of the single player games it could be neat but get boring fast playing as a boss who pretty much takes the challenge out of normal play. It’s still a funny observation though but I thought I’d mention as a fun fact.
· 5 years ago
What if you play as a boss and it unlocks hidden difficulties or hidden story and plot. You can choose not to and play as protagonist but if you play as one of the bosses you defeat you get to play a few quests/missions about their story arc
· 5 years ago
I can’t quite recall- maybe one of the resident evils? For sure a Gundam game of perhaps like s Dynasty Warriors etc. I know I’ve seen this mechanic and it can be well done- or not, depending of course. But I swear I’ve played at least a handful of games which did just that- either scaling difficulty somehow or making you play the game from the alternate perspective to see what that is like.
· 5 years ago
The legendary Pokémon are a great example. The whole game you think “man they look so cool, I can’t wait, hope they’re so powerful, yadda yadda” then you capture it and like it’s ok? Didn’t add much to your team has a couple cool moves but eh