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· 5 years ago
Too bad peta then kills the cow after “freeing” them
· 5 years ago
I'll eat her too! *music stops*
· 5 years ago
*plays my music*
· 5 years ago
Plants are friends too. Didn’t we just spend several months all praising folks for planting our friends the tree? So the message I’m getting here is that it just isn’t ok to eat things you think are cute? Some might say: “no. It’s about intelligence. We can’t eat animals because they have intelligence and emotions.” Ok. Well... 2 problems. 1. We know plants have something akin to emotions. They have stress responses and the like. 2. Isn’t that what people used to say (and some still do say) about animals? That’s they don’t have intelligence or “real” emotions? So how do you know plants don’t and we just haven’t proven it- or that they are just different than us and saying. Their intelligence or emotion doesn’t count is just saying that it’s ok to eat something if you can’t relate to it?
· 5 years ago
everyone must survive on only lab created no plants or animals harmed nutrient pills taken 4 times a day in either sugar flavor or salt flavor
· 5 years ago
That is such a weak argument. No plants no food for the cows you eat either so it is celebrated because it benefits all.
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· 5 years ago
it also benefit's all to have a draft in overpopulated areas and turn everyone that got drafted into food paste to feed the poor.
· 5 years ago
Not necessarily. Even if poor would you rather Human puree or steak from a cow? We no one will celebrate the draft as it havens even if the outcome would be good.
· 5 years ago
doesnt matter what you would rather, its objectively beneficial just like the above
· 5 years ago
@itsamemaria- no cows- no food for the plants. All in nature benefits all. It’s called “the food cycle.” Plants draw gases from the air and minerals/nutrients from soil and use those to build themselves and grow. Plant eating animals gather plants and transform them into materials to grow. Animals die and then release carbon and other materials back to nature so more plants can grow. 99% of all life you see is just a transformation of existing substances on Earth- not some new creation from nothingness.
· 5 years ago
In the interim there are complex interactions between lifeforms and their environments that allow other lifeforms to live. Our current industrial food production system is “unbalanced” but that isn’t an argument to not eat cows. It is an argument to seek a better balance.
· 5 years ago
Tl:dr (and conclusion)- It’s not relevant what is or isn’t useful. If PETA wants to judge life on its usefulness it should just say that. “This cow should never have been born...” etc. that’s a different message than “don’t eat your friends.” If we are judging something on how useful it is and for what- then sentience or feelings don’t matter. As Beth says- of the message is to eat the most practical thing then say that. Not “don’t eat the cute thing” or “don’t eat the thing with a brain...” or whatever. If we were to eat in a practical and balanced manner food would be much less enjoyable and lots of people would likely go without.
· 5 years ago
I only said the "plants have feelings too" it is a tired, useless point.
· 5 years ago
@bethorien I was referring to the "celebration" part.
· 5 years ago
@itsamemaria- it’s all tired isn’t it? We’ve been told animals have feelings. They are smart. We know they are cute. Blah blah. It’s all been done. But here we are. There isn’t a valid argument as to why we should respect one form of life just because we can relate to it more. Less than 100 years ago popular science still held certain races of people were inherently less intelligent than others. People are still trying to prove some races are genetically pre disposed to crime. Today that thinking is largely appalling and we are supposed to respect all human life equally. People are saying to respect animal life equal to human. At some point you gotta eat something that was alive.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
I do. I respect all animals. I know PETA gets anything, but the general population also gets annoying with equally annoying comments that honestly don't add up. But I sent get into it with other people im not the kind to lecture others anyways.
· 5 years ago
I certainly think it’s important that we respect animals, all life, even respect that which isn’t “alive.” Anyone who doesn’t respect others most likely doesn’t truly respect themselves I’d say. jingoism isn’t something I generally abide is all.
· 5 years ago
Everyone thinks differently though. At this point in my life, personally, can't justify having a pet dog and eating a pig (which have been demonstrated to have similar levels of emotions and intelligence) at this point I see most animals as the same. Most because if we have an infestation of ants or cockroaches sadly i might need to do something I sent want about it if I run out of options.
· 5 years ago
Everyone does think different. As are their experiences. A good friends Grandmother ate their pet dogs during WW2 so she wouldn’t die. Not having an option between that and death is certainly different than going straight to it when there’s plenty of options. That said though- in the end we almost all do or will do it. I’m typing this in a phone made by tiny abused Chinese hands. Our batteries come from ecological disasters and are quite often made on the backs of small slave children.
· 5 years ago
So while not trying to do some good because there’s much bad is a terrible attitude- taking an absolutist stance to morality is questionable when we are all objectively participating in horrors of a staggering scale.
· 5 years ago
Exactly. Some people take the approach ofn doing whatever they want (which means no good at all) becaus ethey can't save the world. If we all do a little at least we can It becomes something. Now that "inconvenience" of doing something differs because of circumstances and people, whatever. To me it is not incorrect to be vegetarian, vegan for example. Which I'd a stretch for some peopl ok. So I agree with you. I just can't stand people that EVERYTHING is inconvenient deliberately polute becaise they are not willing to change just ine tiny thing as simple as not taking 30 mins showers every day (i might be exaggerating to illustrate a point but also some people might do that)
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
I’d say certainly there’d be people who take 30 minute showers or worse. And that’s a whole other layer to things. Even IF it were too much to ask for people to do ANYTHING no matter how small to help- people could at least not go to extremes to be detrimental to the environment or social issues etc.
· 5 years ago
I also don’t see anything wrong with being some form of vegetarian. There isn’t enough evidence for me to support veganism on the whole, but likewise there isn’t enough evidence to completely condemn it either. I love animals, I was raised around animals and nature and a strong part of my culture is about respect and existing as a part of a greater natural system and not as an operator at a machine that is detached from it beyond their whims at any moment.
· 5 years ago
My only problems with the original post are that even when it comes to a “good cause” or a noble intent I dislike propaganda. If a message can’t stand on its own legs that is that. Manipulating people and subverting people upsets me. Emotional ploys upset me, and condescension and arrogance often upset me. I don’t think that respecting life means ranking life.
· 5 years ago
Is a person from one country more worthy of life than another inherently? Is a dog worth more than a pig? Is a potato worth more than a carrot plant or a lobster ok to torture but not a duck? That was the gist of where I’m coming from. Killing a bug is till taking a life and it may not mean anything to us but we can’t say what it meant to that living thing even if it is an ant.
· 5 years ago
My only problem was the content about creating planting if we eat plsnts too..