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· 5 years ago
That's great honestly. The sooner we divorce gun rights from far right politics the better
· 5 years ago
Gun rights ain't got nothing to do with far right. It was always about civil rights, from the revolution to beyond. Even the NRA got it's start trying to arm and train former slaves.
· 5 years ago
Doesn't really matter how it started anymore. In a lot of people's eyes, and certainly in the eyes of the media and left leaning politicians, the 2nd amendment is hand in hand with right wing extremism, even though anyone with a brain can see that's not the case for the overwhelming majority
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· 5 years ago
Doesn't make a lick of sense. Particularly when the ones who want confiscation will turn around to shit on police officers or compare the GOP to Fascists.
· 5 years ago
I think what Gatsby is saying- and I agree- is that to much of the country- even the world- taking any sort of stance for the right to bear arms, or even opposing specific gun legislation as wasteful or unconstitutional etc. automatically associates a person with right wing politics. Not that it actually IS a right wing issue- but that as soon as you are “not against guns” you’re a “truck driving, beer swilling, uneducated, racist, homophobe, conservative, “pro life,” “right winger” in many peoples perceptions.
· 5 years ago
If you haven’t noticed- much of what I say can be seen as very liberal- I believe in inclusion, in trying to be kind and accepting, trying new things and largely facilitating people’s abilities to live their lives by their own compass and not shaming people for being different. I also live in one of the most “liberal” places in the country. And people often assume I’m “anti gun” until it comes up. Then the same exact people you were just fitting in and getting along with talking about women’s struggles or race or class or the best political candidates- all in agreement by and large- suddenly are seeing you as a fascist or some sort of enemy of social progress and go from wanting to be best buds to giving you a cold shoulder- just because you say something even as mild as: “these proposed laws don’t make sense and they don’t work. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens isn’t the answer, using intelligent targeted measures and prevention with social change is key..”
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Exactly right
· 5 years ago
Of course victimized peoples should want guns. Every state sponsored genocide started with disarmament, and even a lynch mob is made up of cowards and bullies who can't take what they want to dish out.
· 5 years ago
There's an organisation in the US called "Pink Pistols" they advocates arming queers, their motto is "Bash someone your own caliber"