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· 5 years ago
While it is dumb that people do shit like that there are still loads of family friendly movies that disprove of violence. Spies in Disguise is the most recent that I’ve seen and it was awesome and had a great pacifist message
· 5 years ago
Go see Hannibal. An empowering show about a man who enjoys cooking
· 5 years ago
Go see whatever you want with your family that is legal. It’s your family. Hopefully you will actively consume media with your kids and help contextualize what they see- discuss the film, what they believe the message is and what THEY saw looking at it- and your thoughts too. Teach them to understand what they are seeing and to question it. Try to challenge their limits of understanding and push them to stretch once in awhile with films that might be- based on your interactions- difficult for them to follow but possible for them to grow by seeing.
· 5 years ago
Story exists as either fantasy or parable. Fantasy is that which simply provides an outlet for our unrealized desires and parable is that which carries significance that we can apply to our world. Show them films from different perspectives and let them see how all sorts of people think. Help them understand and frame this within the morality you hope to instill to them as well as the morality they are evolving on their own. Teach them the the person who gets the attention it who’s name is in big letters isn’t always the “good guy,” and that some tiles there is no “good guy.”