Hi. I'm 19, I'm trained in combat tactics from the buddy team level up to Brigade level operations, I'm assigned an M4A1 carbine, an am expert rifleman, SAW/240B qualified, and a dead eye with the M203 and M320 HE grenade launchers. I'm also assigned an M9 Beretta and have acted as the senior medical authority to the battalion, on top of being the first responder to life, limb, and eyesight medical emergencies. I'd like to have a 10-inch barreled rifle for home and civil defense please. I'd also like some tequila and a cigarette to help unwind after a week long drill in the desert.
ATF: First of all, how dare you.
Yea they would also probably turn you away to rent a high value gun too, it's got nothing to do with your danger to others, it's got entirely to do with your danger to the high value rented item.
· 5 years ago
This. If you're behind on any student loan payments, you couldn't get a home loan either.
Yeah. It’s not an apt comparison. Hertz won’t RENT you a car at 19- but if you have money you can buy a car... whenever. 15,16,18, hell- you can buy a car at 8 years old if you have the money and your parents will let you. You just can’t drive the car on public land. Live in a mansion or on a big farm? A 12yo could drive around the grounds all day if their parents let them.
ATF: First of all, how dare you.