Found this a while ago and I just had to fix it.
4 years ago by guest · 962 Likes · 8 comments · Popular
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· 4 years ago
Well said!
· 4 years ago
As long as three things occur I agree whole hardheartedly. First, you need a competent doctor that's not just going to prescribe you things that only treat the symptoms and doesn't try to fix the cause, always get second or third doctors opinion cause it's your life. Second, it's very important that the laws are followed and you inform your doctor exactly what medication you take. There is alot of medication that will react adversely with other medication. And though, in the US, there is a database showing who's getting what prescribed medication, it generally only follows pain medication. Third, you should listen to your doctor and do what they tell you to do, how they tell you to do it. Except in extremely rare cases, they know way more about medicine than you do. It's literally their job to know these things.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Yes, there are way more medications out there than any one doctor can possibly follow and learn about but if you bring a particular medication to their attention they should be able to look into it and see if it could help you. Do not, I repeat, do not just shop around until you find a doctor that will give you the medication that you think you need. Any doctor willing to do that doesn't give a crap about you and most likely doesn't want you to get better. You're just a paycheck to them and the longer you're sick the more you pay.
· 4 years ago
It's also important to tell your doctor everything. Don't hold something back because you're embarrassed or think it's not relevant. They're the ones that can determine if it's relevant or not because they've been taught too. And please don't be the idiot that confuses telling everything to your doctor with telling them everything you've learned in your 30 min. google search of your symptoms. You're just wasting yours and their time. Instead actively listen to what your doctor tells you. If you still want to research your issue, go for it. Use the research to guide you in asking questions. And if your doctor tells you something that you don't like or goes against what you've found in your research, FOLLOW WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS.
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· 4 years ago
I've had to listen to too many people complain about whatever is wrong with them and then blame a doctor when they don't do what the doctor tells them because "that's not going to work for me" and "well I heard on Facebook that that doesn't work". And these are generally the same people that refuse to tell the doctor what's wrong and then expect them to mindread and fix all their problems. If you go in for a headache but don't tell the doctor you have diarrhea then of course they won't be able to stop the diarrhea. This kind of blatant idiocy drives me bonkers.
· 4 years ago
Did the Guest guy change his account's name?
· 4 years ago
I sure hope so, he does enough double-posting for this site by himself.
· 4 years ago
It’s literally not their job to know these things. That’s what google is for. However, they do have more experience and will usually know how to make a better decision based on that information.