I know the alt right is pervasive and subversive, that it appeals to feelings of powerlessness, fear, and a sadness of the soul that every human being can experience- but that it seeks out those who are in the dark and wraps them in a cloak of it- so that while still in the dark, people find comfort that they don’t feel so alone in it anymore. I know that I and others often use the term slightly imprecisely to refer to closed minded extremist conservatism and reactionism which isn’t strictly speaking party to a political philosophy but is aligned to it.
As for 4chan- it’s a website. Some good stuff, some bad. It’s nature as an “safe space” has created enclaves for certain groups or ideas which are largely maligned by society. While this gives platform to those with valid ideas who are marginalized, or a place to discuss the controversial, it also creates a forum for extremists and bigots to find each other and create echo chambers. The perils of free speech I suppose.
But regardless- it has little to do with the increase in the expression of radical and fringe ideologies propagating or normalizing extremism and regressive views that have been popping up lately in the comments and as posts (yes- not posts are somewhat “random” but not just with bots) here on this sight.
The internet proves a wonderful place to be a bigot or a troglodyte because anonymity shields people from poorly received behavior and messages, but the reach allows them to find and mass with others who are accepting and reinforcing of their beliefs. The online normalization of such things then gives rise to boldness in the real world- a feeling by such people that they can “come out of the shadows.” But that people here are finding that “fun” is a bit concerning.
Jesus those were some fucking leaps. Everyone on 4chan is whatever derogatory slur is applicable to them. Or they are "bot", "anon", whatever, if they'd rather not identify, though "faggot" is a common default descriptor regardless of actual orientation.
I suppose the "ok" symbol is a white supremacist dog whistle, too?
Sometimes. Usually not. Big words about leaps from a guy who spent a good chunk of a conversation about wearing masks talking about how the red Chinese were behind the whole conspiracy and the WHO was in on it. But sorry if I offended you- I didn’t realize how sympathetic you were to perceived slights of white supremacist nationalists.
Those are completely unrelated arguments, ones that I know I never conflated. But hey, you can't tell the difference between defending white supremacists vs defending people on a forum famous for irreverence, so I shouldn't expect too much of you. Sorry, is my speech violence? Maybe I should try to burn some people alive to make it peaceful.
Whaaat? If I read each word of what you wrote alone- it makes sense. But when put together like they are.... See previous statement- I think you should probably check yourself before accusing leaps in the logic of others.
I suppose the "ok" symbol is a white supremacist dog whistle, too?