1) As a government agency, the PO SHOULDN'T be making a profit. It should break even at best. 2) It charges a fixed rate, no matter where a delivery-its for-profit competitors charge more for rural deliveries...when they aren't actively offloading the last leg...onto the PO. 3) It doesn't control its prices-Congress does. 4) It was making TOO much money, so in 2006, Congress mandated they set aside $110B over 10 years-about $50B MORE than they took in. That why they're in trouble.
You don't give more resources to an entity that can't manage itself unless you only want them to take more and more for no improvement. If they are any good at those jobs they'll do fine in the private sector. If they aren't, they now have the opportunity to find a better fit.
· 4 years ago
Your logic astounds me. A GOVERNMENT institution that relies on government funding to supply a common good to everyone, shouldn’t have funding because shit goes wrong sometimes due to an already lacking fund?
Just be real dude, nothing is going to work perfectly, including the USPS, and you shouldn’t punish the people working for that entity by taking their jobs during a global pandemic
Shit goes wrong because they have minimal accountability, leagues of bureaucracy, and are complacent. You only worsen those problems by throwing money at them, and nobody is guaranteed or entitled to a job.
I have to agree with famousone. Say the military had lost Vietnam and we gave them more money instead of cutting funding? And how ridiculous would it be for us to approve armor packages for personnel and vehicles in our desert wars when our military couldn’t win with the substantial budget they already had? Like famousone says- no more new guns, new vehicles and armor, massive budget cuts and troop layoffs until the military can completely wipe out Isis and all the other groups we sent them to take care of. Partial results don’t count darnit. It isn’t good enough to mostly get the job done.
Sarcasm. I support the men and women of our military and think we do need to increase funding for their support. Even if famousone thinks the VA needs its budget cut, I think the VA is doing the best it can and could use more money. The post office- I’ve had better luck with them than I have UPS or Fedex recently with Covid. So I suppose experience with the USPS is subjective.
But- in fairness- most of our government organizations could use audits and such. There is a lot of waste and corruption that we could and should try to stamp out so they can do more with the money they have- but many organizations really do need more funding to do their jobs. And a service- like the military or the post office or medicine... oops. Not the last one. We aren’t ready for that. But- a service can’t be measured like a business. It does need fiscal responsibility but they aren’t intended to be profit centers, they are intended to provide for people’s needs.
The VA didn't improve until it was entirely overhauled, and it's still shit to the guys who need it most.
As for the military, that's unit dependent. We sure as fuck need fat trimmed, too much paperwork and bureaucracy to be consistently effective. The likes of Puller and Murphy have been saying for decades that pomp and paperwork in lieu of training and bullets only invites waste and erodes combat effectiveness, and I've seen firsthand how right they are. But that's irrelevant, responding to a dynamic battlefield and only recently being tasked to seek out, close with, and kill the enemy (and actually succeeding since then), is entirely different from being asked to put the labels on the boxes, in the trucks, to the other boxes, and still fucking it up.
Yes- but those are not mutually exclusive thoughts are they? To need an overhaul but also to need money- or while waiting for an overhaul, to complete the mission at hand and the critical tasks one has- to need funding? Is it, or is it not your thought- that with the VA still letting down far too many who served- that the action to take to improve the service the VA provides is to cut their funding?
It may be. Problem is, veterans are entitled to more than what they can actually get from the VA. Veterans have earned things. They are owed things. The military itself serves a mission and purpose that simply cannot be replaced, one that is critical to the existence of the United States. The USPS though? They don't have near that same weight. They were started off as a measure to spy on Americans, and then became just another bloated mess that takes far too much for the poor job it does, answerable only to the highest levels, making local recourse an impossibility. But as much as I'd love to see them shut down and that money staying in peoples pockets or going to actual worthwhile ends, that ain't the issue actually going on. The real issue is mail-in voting, and that's another mess only tangently related because the left thinks they're being slick, waiving the ID requirements for absentee voting the same breath they attempt to throw money at the USPS to carry out a job they
were never meant to, in a manner that will never work in a timely enough fashion, nor be conducted without fraud. So I'll simply say that I hate the USPS, and leave it at that until a more relevant issue comes up.
· 4 years ago
I’m honestly very curious- why? Like what have they done so badly that they deserve to have their funding cut? It’s already been admitted to that the only reason the USPS is being attacked is because of the possibility of mail in voting (which is ironic considering trump has, and plans to, vote by mail)
Like what brings you to think “I want my mail delivered slower and with less efficiency”
Small business, I remind you, are hit the hardest by this, and I would that that would matter to you as a hard right “keep jobs in America” kinda person
The USPS is the slower and less efficient option. Everytime I've ever sent or recieved something from them, at least. And they are insulated from the measures that push private entities to be better or more efficient. That is, they don't need to worry about earning their money, customer satisfaction, efficiency, or any of the other things that effect private sector.
And absentee voting is not the same as the mail-in voting that is being pushed. The way they propose it would make it too slow to be counted in time, unsecure, easier to tamper, and just open up a world of fraud. Not even military absentee ballots are safe from harvesting or being "lost", nevermind the opposition from the left to voter ID, proof of residency requirements, verifying that people actually live in the districts they vote for, and even their push to have illegals counted when it comes to allocating congressional representation.
And that doesn't even address the issues raised by even one unscrupulous mail man.
There's a very common conservative tactic to make sure the government runs badly then say it sucks and we should get rid of it. It's an irony of ironies that people who hate government run it.
Nope. We don't hate government, we just want less of it. And it ain't our people that keep burning down the cities they actually control, or any cities.
It's a common liberal tactic to tear down poor and minority communities and then blame the conservatives for it.
Like those fuckers marching in Seattle, demanding whites give up their homes or "face consequences".
· 4 years ago
The difference between the riot side of the protests and the people running the government badly as a tactic to distill our faith in it, is that the conservative side is the one actually in power and are actually affecting the millions of people who have to lean on that portion of a government institution.
The riots will die down when people are held accountable, the dismantling of parts of the government that actually help the majority will only be repeated and found excusable by people such as yourself, who can’t see the bigger picture
I didn't realise Washington and Oregon was run by conservatives, nor do I see why Seattle's Chief Best is accountable for what a Minneapolis beat cop has done. Nevermind that the police do far more good than any post office, but who's tearing them down?
I see the picture, thank you very much, it is ugly and needs to be torn down.
Why do you perpetuate the myth that mail by voting is somehow more susceptible to fraud? There's no studies that show that to be true? Trump hasn't come up with any evidence, he only spews it out with his word salads. It's a lie. It's factually untrue. And I'm sorry, it's not "fake facts" just because you disagree with it. That's not how it works sadly.
Also with the USPS thing. As I understand it a reason it currently is underperforming is because the new guy in charge, one of Trump friends (don't recall his name), eliminated over time which is, by the very least, one of the reasons they're having problems.
And even if there was a problem with voter fraud, shouldn't it be a priority to fix that so that people can vote safely? Wouldn't it be better if as many people as possible voted? Rather than saying it's a problem and offering no alternative solution even as polling sites are being closed? That doesn't really add up.
· 4 years ago
This ^^^ I mean trump literally let it slip that he’s attacking usps because he’s afraid of people voting via mail, not because it’s insecure, but because more people will vote to get him out. His little crony hurting the usps only got the job because he paid trump millions for his shitty position.
The only people saying that mail in voting is bad are the people afraid of getting voted out of office, and the people that blindly follow their weird little cult
Might I remind you that voter suppression is entirely immoral and illegal?
No no. You have it all mixed up. It is purely a coincidence that the 6 states committed to run their elections by mail all happen to be states that tend towards blue in their votes for over 30 years. Sheer coincident they happen to be some of the countries major population centers and also that several of them have major immigrant populations and lead the nation in those terms. The issue here is integrity!
And I have every faith that our commander in Chief- a man who can build a Great Wall and make Mexico pay for it, a man who can wrestle the American economy and unemployment back from the brink- a man who can take on China and Iran and North Korea and do more in one term than his predecessors did in their combined terms for American foreign policy- a man who could set back the unjust rule of the democrats and repeal “Obamacare” a man who has handled this pandemic so well and been such a leader these 4 years- EVERY faith that he can singlehandedly figure out how to ensure mail in ballots have their integrity ensured in time to allow mail in ballots for election. Anyone who supports his track record must surely agree that we have nothing to worry about if our leader puts his full might to making sure there is no tampering, and we should let mail order ballots proceed. Right?
America wanted him, and despite his record disapproval ratings I hear he’s still America’s favorite pick and doing a swell job. So he certainly has no reason to fear voter turn out- that’s just more votes for him right? As for tampering- I bet if we put someone in charge of the postal service that was hand picked by Trump- we wouldn’t have ANY problems. One of his associates, a man of character and the law you could trust and not some slime ball from a previous administration.
Just be real dude, nothing is going to work perfectly, including the USPS, and you shouldn’t punish the people working for that entity by taking their jobs during a global pandemic
As for the military, that's unit dependent. We sure as fuck need fat trimmed, too much paperwork and bureaucracy to be consistently effective. The likes of Puller and Murphy have been saying for decades that pomp and paperwork in lieu of training and bullets only invites waste and erodes combat effectiveness, and I've seen firsthand how right they are. But that's irrelevant, responding to a dynamic battlefield and only recently being tasked to seek out, close with, and kill the enemy (and actually succeeding since then), is entirely different from being asked to put the labels on the boxes, in the trucks, to the other boxes, and still fucking it up.
Like what brings you to think “I want my mail delivered slower and with less efficiency”
Small business, I remind you, are hit the hardest by this, and I would that that would matter to you as a hard right “keep jobs in America” kinda person
And absentee voting is not the same as the mail-in voting that is being pushed. The way they propose it would make it too slow to be counted in time, unsecure, easier to tamper, and just open up a world of fraud. Not even military absentee ballots are safe from harvesting or being "lost", nevermind the opposition from the left to voter ID, proof of residency requirements, verifying that people actually live in the districts they vote for, and even their push to have illegals counted when it comes to allocating congressional representation.
And that doesn't even address the issues raised by even one unscrupulous mail man.
It's a common liberal tactic to tear down poor and minority communities and then blame the conservatives for it.
Like those fuckers marching in Seattle, demanding whites give up their homes or "face consequences".
The riots will die down when people are held accountable, the dismantling of parts of the government that actually help the majority will only be repeated and found excusable by people such as yourself, who can’t see the bigger picture
I see the picture, thank you very much, it is ugly and needs to be torn down.
Also with the USPS thing. As I understand it a reason it currently is underperforming is because the new guy in charge, one of Trump friends (don't recall his name), eliminated over time which is, by the very least, one of the reasons they're having problems.
And even if there was a problem with voter fraud, shouldn't it be a priority to fix that so that people can vote safely? Wouldn't it be better if as many people as possible voted? Rather than saying it's a problem and offering no alternative solution even as polling sites are being closed? That doesn't really add up.
The only people saying that mail in voting is bad are the people afraid of getting voted out of office, and the people that blindly follow their weird little cult
Might I remind you that voter suppression is entirely immoral and illegal?