Anakin shucks the Jedi lifestyle after being told "you're on this council, but you're no Master" AND Askoa getting booted for treason, then decides "y'know, im going to investigate the war myself" ... finds out Palpatine is boss sith lickety split, Padme defends Palpy... Anakin says she's blinded by him, she turns him over to Jedi after he tries to kill Palpatine, he goes on the run, Asoka finds him, they confront Dooku together who admits Palpatine is sith lord before defeat, Anakin takes command of CIS fleet, kidnaps Palpatine but also frames him as real Sith Leader, kills him, lays blame on Dooku / Grevious, strikes down CIS leadership, ends war, tell Jedi "eat shab" when offered to reinstate him & Ashoka... lives their lives as pod racers on Corellia. Obi-Wan babysits when mum & dad want time off.
Sure, but min is not canon, therfore equvalent to poodoo. I've been writing a canonical story for about 2 years. If Rogue One was episode 3.95 (because led directly to Ep 4) then mine is 4.7.