I took my daughter to get her shots for school and there was a 4 yr old boy coming to get checked out because they think he is sick with the flu.
He had a fever so they didn’t let him in and did the retest outside.
As we was leaving I hear a nurse say the boy has does t have the flu and they think he has covid.
That just sunk my heart. He is just a poor little thing. I saw him he was coughing so hard his eyes was turning red.
Wife had to go to the ER about a month ago (she's currently fine), i do remember the doctor saying "none of your symptoms are likely covid related, and based on your history, you're low risk, but would you want us to test for that?"
He had a fever so they didn’t let him in and did the retest outside.
As we was leaving I hear a nurse say the boy has does t have the flu and they think he has covid.
That just sunk my heart. He is just a poor little thing. I saw him he was coughing so hard his eyes was turning red.