There are a couple issues though. I want fo start by saying that all evidence shows amber heard is despicable. We know she abused her husband, and we know she gloated that due to gender perceptions and attitudes in society, that she could get away with it, and if he talked, she could deny it and be believed. So clearly, she is a spousal abuser. That’s pretty concretely established. At the very least she has been violent to her spouse- but that’s semantics. She has hit Johnny Depp in anger. Ok. That’s established.
BUT- the fact she has hit him, does not mean he has not hit HER. Her guilt of violence in anger against her spouse does not automatically mean he is innocent of the same thing. If you hit me, then days or weeks later I hit you- that isn’t self defense. There is no “but he hit me before” defense. If you assault me and rob me- and I don’t fight back, but later I wish I did, or I’m just angry at you- if I hit you and rob you- I’m still a criminal too. We would both be guilty of criminal behavior.
Now there are some interesting facts in their gal history. Heard accused Depp of abuse in their divorce. Depp and his people accused Heard of making it up for an easy win. They settled out of court, and BOTH sides released a statement saying that no one had made up any allegations for financial gain. In otherwords, Heard and Depps legal teams both agreed to a deal in which both parties, without admitting guilt, admitted that the other person wasn’t lying for financial gain. There’s some nuance there- but overall it isn’t a strong leg to mount a defense that a person is lying when you’ve both agreed that neither of you were lying.
Now- there are damning recordings and messages between the two in which heard admits to abuse, or admits to what certainly is strong evidence of abuse. BUT- Depp also says things on record which are evidence that the abuse was not one sided.
"I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical ABUSE ON EACH OTHER.
"Because had we continued it, it would have gotten f---ing bad. And baby, I told you this once. I'm scared to death we are a f---ing crime scene right now,"
Now please note I bolted the relevant text. Here is depp, his voice, his number, being recorded saying that the two of them ABUSED EACH OTHER PHYSICALLY. He didn’t say “violence,” he didn’t say “I can’t take you abusing me...” he said that their mutual physical abuse was too much. He mentions previous past discussion, pointing to a pattern of abuse which has been ongoing between them. He also says he is “scared to death we are a f—-ing crime scene...” WE- not “in sacred to death you will take it too far...” not “in sacred for myself...” these words indicate a man who is also afraid of his own behavior.
Does it mean he abused her? No. It doesn’t. It’s very compelling evidence, among other evidence, that both parties did in fact engage in abuse against each other. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were most likely, by their own words, both of their words- violent against each other.
Is it justice to only punish Depp? No. But it also wouldn’t really be justice to only punish heard. Do we just say- “well- they were both abusive but she was worse, so she should be punished...” That wouldn’t really be justice would it? Why do do we bother to punish accomplices to crimes if we only need to punish the ring leader? How’s that work- if two guys get in a bar fight over insults, the one who wins goes to jail and the loser can go free?
It’s very hard to step in to a relationship from the outside. There are complex dynamics and so much happens in private away from prying eyes. We aren’t subjected to the same emotional stresses and inside perspective as people in a relationship. So I can’t tell you exactly what happened between them. I know that both of them have said to each other and in public that they participated in a abusive behavior against each other.
But in democracy, in court cases and such- this “team mentality” has to go. You don’t have to be on “team Depp” or “team heard” or “for men’s rights and against women” or “for women’s rights and against men.” You can choose to be... unbiased. Which is what justice is supposed to be. If we take out the gender politics and the fact that 99% of people like Depp more than Heard, and Johnny Depp has been a crush and a part of many of our fond pop culture memories- what we have are two people who literally have admitted to getting mad and hitting the other one. Two people who have admitted to abuse, and a body of evidence that supports two people have abused each other.
Now- if Depp has evidence to indicate he didn’t abuse Heard- that would be good to hear. There aren’t bodies of criminal cases submitted by either party for abuse. For the extent of abuse heard alleges, where are the convictions or trials? Depp also didn’t really go after her for criminal abuse either. Was it because he was afraid no one would believe him? Perhaps. But while that, or being a celebrity and wanting to avoid bad press, or not wanting the other person to go to jail could explain those things- so does also being guilty of abuse. Especially when you are on tape, as Depp is, admitting to abuse. It is kinda hard to say you didn’t abuse someone when you leave a voicemail saying you abused them isn’t it?
Now- the second issue I see here- is that Warner Brothers asked Depp to resign. They’re a movie company. Undoubtedly, they are worried about the bad publicity and the controversy and the lost revenues that might be created if they hire a talented actor under strong allegations he is a spousal abuser, with a court verdict that doesn’t prove he is a spousal abuser, but indicates that the accusations are credible. And well.... it’s us isn’t it? Society? We are the ones that would boycott the film, protest premiers, trash Warner brothers up and down if they refused to black list Depp?
It shows a lack of integrity, loyalty perhaps, but as a for profit company with a public gun to their head in an age of “cancel culture” and faced with either firing Depp to avoid the image of participating in a cycle of violence against women without consequences in Hollywood- or keeping him and hoping the public doesn’t come after them for it now or in a decade from now- they’re making the only safe choice they can in theory. That’s what we told them we wanted isn’t it? Accountability? Well... here it is. Or... here some of it is.
If Johnny Depp should be asked to resign, it certainly makes sense that amber heard should be asked to resign as well by Warner doesn’t it? For all intents they are both, to some degree, indicated to be guilty by the evidence. And that’s my point. If you’re for firing her and not him, or for firing him but not her; under the current body of evidence- you’re playing teams. Depp and his lawyers say the judge in the case didn’t hear or didn’t use much of their evidence proving Depps innocence. We haven’t seen that evidence either if you choose to believe that he’s innocent based on claims of evidence you haven’t seen- that’s bias, not objectivity. Saying you have evidence of innocence doesn’t mean you are innocent.
It is probably too premature for anyone to be making decision based off this case. But what is Warner to do? As we have seen here today- the public isn’t interested in waiting for the evidence to decide what is true or not. Depp is at a bit of a disadvantage of course- he doesn’t really have the offensive or the initiative to drag heard for abuse. He could call her a husband beater and hope she sued him for libel so he could have the opportunity to frame a case as proving she abused him vs proving he didn’t abuse her- but it may be too late for that. Because of us. Because we play teams and make snap decisions and dealing with us in the arena of public image isn’t about doing the right thing or being right or being logical. It’s like distracting toddlers with shiny objects.
If you want to fix this- if you want to see justice done- I call on you all to be smarter. And to call on others to be smarter. We have to stop being little toddlers that are distracted by shiny objects. We have to stop only taking the parts of the truth that suit us and our biases or agendas, and start making efforts to be less biased, more objective, and more logically procedural in these things.
But- that doesn’t have the thrill of completion- “us against them,” it doesn’t have the hot feeling of righteous indignation we can let flow over us as we pounce upon the failings of others. As I said though... why wouldn’t Depp be believed like Heard said? Us. Why would Warned Brothers fear that Depps name in their film would be poison, even though the matter hasn’t been finalized in all pending courts? Us. It’s all us.
As for Heard not yet being fired despite herself being implicated as an abuser? I don’t know. Could be a lot of things or a combination of things. If they’re gonna fire him, they should probably fire her. Of course- perhaps keeping her keeps her silent. Perhaps Warner brothers or someone else did something that would cause them bigger problems than the complaints of keeping her. Maybe they don’t want her to “me too” someone? Or- maybe it’s... Us. Again. “Team Depp” and “team men” doesn’t care Johnny probably did abuse her- by his own admission. But “team heard” and “team women” don’t really care that she abused him either.
So there are probably enough groups backing female representation in Hollywood, enough groups who would call out that she was a woman abuse survivor being penalized for speaking out- and she could certainly bring a law suit against Warner brothers for it. If they won they’d look like “anti woman Hollywood boys club” silencing another victim with their money and power. If they lost, they’d be legally liable and declared to the public as firing a woman for speaking out against abuse from a powerful man. Lately... that has been a big deal in media.
And there is the problems with these “teams.” If you only care to see amber heard punished, or you only care to see Johnny Depp punished- one of these teams will “win.” That’s how “us vs. them” works- one side wins eventually. The problem though- is that neither “team” wants justice- they both want a miscarriage of justice wherein one abuser gets off without consequence and the other is punished. So either “team” that wins- justice loses. One must want to see justice prevail more than one wants to see “their side” win. In this debate, largely all I have seen is people arguing sides as arbitrarily as arguing a coin flip.
"No one wants to wait for evidence."
This shit started in, what? 2016? And in 2016 No one bothered acknowledging the possibility that maybe Amber was a lying manipulative narcissist because "Believe Women." They wasted no time nailing Depp to the wall and waiting for him to bleed out.
I can't speak for everyone else, but since you decided to respond to my comment chain, I will speak to my own experience.
I didn't get into this case assuming Depp was innocent. I got into it trying to find out what was going on. I had zero idea who Heard was. And That was over a year ago.
I have listened to the audio. I have watched the video. I've been through the court transcripts, the timelines, the photos. I've listened to Heard give her shitty speeches on the backs of real abuse victims. I've even looked at the damn recreation of the penthouse.
That doesn't make me an expert - I've lost track of a lot of details. But my opinion - and the opinion of many of the people involved in this - is not based on nothing. You can honestly take that whole "nobody waited for evidence" shit and shove it because it has no basis in a reality not reached through hallucinogenics.
And bear in mind Depp made most of his comments after being psychologically and emotionally abused and battered, and gaslit for years. While dealing with an extremely volatile person who flies off the handle and attacks him anytime he says something she doesn't like.
If I were him I'd probably be placating too. Most likely when Depp said "they got physical" he meant either she got physical with him, or she got physical and he had to defend himself, or he was referring to breaking a lamp or some shit.
In almost every instance I can remember where they talk about a fight Depp is the one trying to de-escalate and/or walk away when things get physical.
He's had to call his own security guards and building managers on his wife to protect him from her.
Heard meanwhile made a habit of recording Depp in secret to try and disgrace him. More than once. When he was at his Worst, his most volatile.
She caught him having break downs. Passing out from drugs. Smashing cupboard doors.
You know what she never caught him doing? Laying a hand on her.
Of the two of them he has no history of violence. His exes all defend him, even the ones who have every reason not to.
Amber Heard hit her ex with a car. She beat the shit out of her sister. She openly mocks Depp for being a baby anytime he tried to walk away or diffuse a physical fight.
The very video she sent trying to frame him for abuse (Where they state he smashed her camera and attacked her after)? That video actually ends with amber heard's camera in perfect condition. So perfect it catches her smirking and giggling about the entire incident.
A lot of people siding against Heard aren't doing it to "side with depp." They're doing it because the woman IS a criminal.
Many domestic abuse survivors and Sexual Assault survivors are against her. For making a mockery of their pain. For doing cute things like stealing someone else's alleged rape experience and using it to fabricate one of her stories. Many of them have been physically triggered listening to the audio between them. And Depp isn't the one that triggers them... it's Heard.
The fact that you feel entitled to spend 20 comments lecturing people on their stance and calling on them to "be smarter" when you yourself have completely dumbed down the weight of what's being discussed and WHY people might feel the way they do about it is somewhat hypocritical.
At this point I'm just happy if it was coherent tbh
I'm not saying Guest_ is completely wrong either - people need to look into this shit before making their opinions, because NOT doing that is what's destroyed the careers of people like Depp, what's driven guys like Alec Holloway to kill himself.
But at this point people *have* been looking into this case. That's WHY they're finally turning on Heard. And it's been a hell of an uphill battle to get it to happen.
It has been quite a long road. But...we haven’t seen all the evidence play out yet. There are still cases to be heard in court. A person can form their own opinions of course- Michael Jackson has been accused of sexual abuse of children for decades. Never convicted, never proved concretely. Wether he’s a kiddie diddler depends on who you ask. Usher- despite the evidence against him has managed to skate by numerous charges, even our former American president managed to get out of an impeachment where people who voted against impeachment said on camera they thought he was guilty. And of course- innocent people have been convicted of crimes and later found innocent. So just because a court ruled the man a wife beater- doesn’t mean he IS a wife beater- but then again- and no offense here- just because your personal examination or anyone else’s makes you think he isn’t a wife beater- doesn’t mean he isn’t.
At least in theory, a judge would have every resource you do, and then a few more. Every piece of information you do, and possibly a few more, and well- they’d certainly have more knowledge of the law. Now, they still drop the ball sometimes. And they are only human so they have their own biases.
So what do we have? A lot of he said she said, slot of evidence showing both parties cop to abuse, and a lot of speculation. I’m not going to play the speculation game- but by the same token that we can speculate to why Depp said things that weren’t true or why this or that- we could speculate all sorts of things about Heard as well. We could even- dare I say it- play some sort of mental fitness card. A woman who tries to hit an ex with a car doesn’t sound too stable. So if we say she has a “problem” in the head- we can reframe the whole thing if we want. Sure she did and said violent and crazy things- crazy people do that. We don’t punish people for being crazy do we? We offer them sympathy- we don’t fire them, we give them time off to get the help they need...
I’m not saying that’s the case, and I’m not saying I advocate that, and I’d be pretty upset with that outcome personally. BUT- it outlines not only the danger of speculation- but how using speculation, we can fill in the blanks however suits us.
Now, personally- I think you have a good read on the situation. I think it probably plays out pretty close to what you’ve laid down. Your analysis seems logical, it fits, it has very few weaknesses. Except one. Proof. It’s weak on proof, as these things tend to be in general. It’s very hard to prove what happens behind closed doors. Heard may have, likely have (she’s coming off as quite the manipulator) set up “evidence traps” to create an image of a man who is violently abusive. But.... “she seems like the sort who would do it...” is a long way from “here’s actual evidence that this is staged...”
Like I said earlier- I would say that it is 99.9% likely that amber heard was physically, and likely emotionally, abusing Johnny Depp. Now- there is very little proof that Depp assaulted her directly, bruises, and such. There is some proof showing him being violent- which is a form of emotional abuse even if you don’t hit the other person- but there also isn’t a lot of proof refuting her allegations. At least in America- a burden of proof lies on the accused to prove something happened in a criminal case. But heard and Depps behavior now or on the past as far as abuse- has very little criminal record. The parties involved largely chose to handle things on other ways. For whatever reason this and certain other decisions were made- at this juncture those things aren’t working in Depps favor.
But it is all still premature. Depp lost a libel case against a UK newspaper for calling him a wife beater. Despite what many will think or say- that doesn’t mean he beat his wide. It means at the time the story was printed, the ones printing it had reasonable basis to make the claim, and by evidence including Depps own words, it would be fair to say he best his wife. It doesn’t matter WHY he said he had abused her, he can qualify that statement all he likes. “I meant this..” or “I didn’t want to upset her and get beat- so I used that language...” And assuming that is true, it wouldn’t matter, because printing something that you’ve said isn’t libel.
Look- if you say: “Well, if wanting a living wage makes me a communist, I guess I’m a communist” and someone says: “xvarnah said they are a communist!” That isn’t libel. It isn’t even a lie. It’s deceptive. Unethical, out of context reporting. But you DID say that. Now- if you literally said: “I am a die hard communist” because your dad would beat you if you didn’t- and I print: “xvarnah wants to abolish the American way of life...” your statement, for whatever reason you made it, did literally imply exactly that. A die hard communist would in fact want to destroy the current American way of life and replace it with communism. So factually- that headline is true based on what you said. If you didn’t mean what you said- that invalidates my statement but doesn’t make me a liar since I was just going off what you said no?
So it’s all premature. Depp loses a suit against a rag because he can’t say they knowing said false things about him. His case against heard is yet to have its day in court. Warner brothers can’t wait until then to act and see what that verdict is, because we can’t wait to start throwing bricks at whoever we have decided is the “bad guy”, and the sun couldn’t wait to publish a headline as salacious as “Johnny Depp wife beater” because... we can’t wait to get our news and gossip until it’s been vetted. Why can’t we wait for news? Because damnit. We want to hurry up and decide who deserves our righteous fury so we can hurry up and dispense it.
That entire process is riddled with holes that make it swift, but unreliable. I said that courts and judges get it wrong, but when the people at the highest standards our society have for law and justice and objectivity, with access to experts and resources, and having all the procedures of due process and legal proceedings which are designed to help ensure fair and accurate conditions to state ones case- if they can get them wrong now and then, the kangaroo court of public opinion with its sliding scales of justice and passion over procedure and it’s much lower standards of evidence... is not what I would rely on to “get it right.”
I would reserve any binding judgment, and calls to action or retribution’s, until at least after the case had finished its course through the legal system and there were no more arguments to be presented or evidence displayed by the parties involved. I would also say that honestly... what is America and the world doing in the middle of a domestic dispute between two strangers, and aren’t there like.... tens of thousands of other men and women who could use the attention and backing in their own domestic abuse cases, more than world famous multi millionaires?
And yes. I understand that this case, being high profile, presents an opportunity to bring issues of injustice to men in domestic violence cases to the front of the line, to attach advocacy for better consideration of men in these cases, to outline the silence that many men must suffer through because they suspect- and it is largely true- that a man saying a woman hits him isn’t going to have the same impact, heard said it herself. They usually won’t believe you, if they believe they won’t take you seriously, and it’s very easy for a woman to turn it around (or the system will do that on its own) a man will still be made the villain.
But that has shit to do with these two or caring about justice in the case. That’s just using two high profile figures to sell an agenda. Arguably, and I would say, a noble agenda, but is it noble to use their woes to push an agenda? Arguable. That said- we are listening to civil cases, not criminal. Depp, for many possible reasons, doesn’t seem and didn’t seem interested in pursuing those routes, or the evidence wasn’t enough to pursue them. Heard had called the police on him before, and the police didn’t press charges for lack of evidence. So if we say lack of evidence proves innocence- they are both innocent. If we say admission proves guilt, they are both guilty.
The only way to get to the bottom of this... is... well shoot. Of only we had some sort of codified way where people with grievances could present their sides of the story in a structured fashion designed to give the benefit of the doubt to the accused....
So now, we have this big jumbled mess because everyone wants to act on this or get it out of the way, or work it to get their agenda or their ends met. And we have a larger question. What if heard beat Depp? What if they beat each other? Fire whoever is guilty? How long should they be fired? 1 year? 10? Forever? What should the penalty to your job be when you mess up in your personal life? What are the lost of things that get a person banned from their work? What does wether you hit your spouse have to do with your ability to play pretend in front of a camera? And why should our indignation create moral laws that others are bound to follow?
Don’t we have laws to punish people and protect people? It isn’t that the law won’t handle it- the parties involved have largely chosen not to invoke all the laws they could, or there wasn’t enough proof to invoke the law. Morally- if one doesn’t like someone’s ethics, or doesn’t like a company doing business with a person- isn’t the means to show that dislike through not patronizing or supporting that entity? If more people care than don’t- won’t that entity be taken care of? But if more people are fine with the ethics or lack of as long as the product is good.... why should a minority of people get to disrupt that to enforce their own moral justice?
I’m posing these semi rhetorically. I’m not implying answers or support. I’m saying that there’s a lot of sh$t caught up in all this. A lot of unresolved questions. Who’s job is it to protect Johnny Depp? I don’t know that it is mine and yours. It most certainly is the job of the law to punish those who break it, and it is the job of the public to advocate change to those laws when the laws don’t suit the public. But... in the USA Depp and Heard haven’t finished things yet. Much like the election while it was still being counted- how can you dispute results that haven’t been delivered yet?
It literally is our job to protect one another in a fashion - or at least that's the way we've structures out society, because if it wasn't the entire justice system wouldn't exist.
Woman got raped? "Well it's no one else's job to catch the rapist. She should have just been strong enough to deal with him herself."
Kid being abused? "Should have been smart enough to be born with nicer parents."
And at no point did Depp ever EVER "cop to a lot of abuse." Certainly not physical abuse. He admits to a lot of drug abuse, absolutely, but that's irrelevant. The most he ever "cops to" is fighting. If you listen to the other recordings he REPEATEDLY confronts Heard about starting physical fights.
I think you make a very big leap there. “Doing what you can to help catch a rapist” involves what exactly? Getting the evidence to the police, the court? Maybe... if you’re physically near by, intervening. Perhaps if you know the people or are an eye witness to the crime- testifying? But like... if someone you’ve (most likely) never met and (probably) never even been in the same postal code as) alleges rape and the rapist said they didn’t do it- and you’re thousands of miles away looking at whatever you can find online to reconstruct the image.... what... help, is it that you offer? Going to tell the police or the court what you witnessed, with your very own ears, on a recording on YouTube? Or is what you are saying that vigilante justice is the path we should take, not wait for or trust in law to handle it?
And I am not an expert on Canadian law- in US law, that’s not how our justice system exists or why. You can report a crime that has nothing to do with you. Police will investigate reports based on evidence, and follow up based on what they find. But at least on this side of the ol’ maple divider, a random and uninvolved citizen can’t play detective, then pass a verdict based upon the evidence they have gathered, and then expect to sentence the offender. I know the US has a bit larger population, so maybe y’all are still on frontier justice. I’d have to study up on Canadian law. But- vigilantism is generally not something that is favored in the USA (the parts that can read anyway), and so our system relies on people not to protect each other as they see fit- it relies on people who have first hand accounts to tell the truth, and then a judge and or jury of peers determines truth from fiction and rules accordingly.
There is literal evidence that Heard exactly what Depp and others have accused her of.
I'm not sure what kind of dystopian society you live in where video/audio/eye-witness testimony/confessions of the accused = "he said/she said." Must be the same place the judge grew up.
It's fascinating how no one had this mind-set when Heard was accusing depp of literally breaking a solid wooden bedframe WITH HER BODY, the attack SO SEVERE she had raspberry jam on her lip the next day. A real tragedy right there.
Ooooo how about when depp "threw her through glass" and the end result was a bunch of thin, barely legible cuts on her arms, all roughly the exactly same length, going in the exact same directions, and the exact same angles?
If I remember right these particularly shoddy pieces of fabricated evidence helped cost Depp his job and his reputation.
She also threw his phone and wallet out the window (his security had to bribe a homeless person to get it back).
She also entertained the idea of murdering depp with knives - a plan she included several of her friends in. You know - the ones that lived in Depp's penthouse rent-free?
She physically attacked him when he was late for a party. And shit on his bed.
I'm afraid if you've provided any evidence at all that points to Depp being abusive I'll need you to re-cite it. Discounting the obscure statement that admits to exactly zero abuse on his part that you mentioned.
But, please, tell me more about how much she was equally a victim. I'm sure there are literal tens of people at the ready to play the world's smallest violins on her behalf.
I will state for the record, though that I never advocated anyone go out and lock Heard in their basement. It wouldn't go well if I were in charge of directing people to go punish Heard for all the damage she's done. Again, not sure what dystopia you live in where this is happening. But can I say I think she absolutely should be fired and absolutely should be imprisoned? Yep. And that has nothing to do with what country I live in, btw.
There is not, nor will there ever be, a damn thing you can say to convince me otherwise. Because my opinion is not based on "he said/she said." My opinion is based on countless hours looking through the EVIDENCE. Listening to the testimony. Examining the behaviour. It's not one I came to lightly.
It's not one YOU have the capacity to change, because YOU possess zero information I haven't already seen. Please don't feel the need to keep trying to convert me.
I feel no need to try and convert you. You offered an opinion on the matter. I offered my opinion on the matter. I don’t need to “convert you.” Johnny Depp has lost a court hearing, I’ve explained why he lost and what that means- not to you, to anyone reading. Johnny Depp has an upcoming court hearing. If they ask you for your expert testimony, or consult you on the verdict, then your opinion will be validated. If things go as I said they will- heard and Depp go to court, their lawyers present evidence, a judge decides- then what you think doesn’t really change that. Even less so since your capacity to influence a foreign legal system is pretty slim.
A common misunderstanding I suppose, is people seem to miss this in my posts. Generally, I will qualify my opinion statements as my own opinion. So you know that is what I think or feel. But when I make a factual statement- unless proven wrong- that is just... how it is. It is my opinion heard beat Depp- and likely a fact, it is a fact that Depp COULD have beaten heard as well. It is the opinion of a UK court that Depp likely beat heard. We have yet to hear the opinion of a US court. It is the opinion of Warner Brothers, based on the facts of recent controversies- that Depp will cause them bad press. It is my opinion they are being premature in their actions, and it is a fact that Depp hasn’t been proven to be a wife beater. But it is also a fact, which you keep dismissing or deflecting- that Depp is on record saying he also abused amber heard. You offer your opinion why he said it- but no fact to counter it.
You ask what dystopia I live in where a persons recorded confession isn’t good enough- while you repeatedly brush off Depp being recorded saying that he participated in physical abuse. His EXACT words- that he perpetrated abuse. So I mean... your a sharp cookie and you have some solid facts, but I’m not going to put stock in a decision supposedly made on facts when you contradict your position and ignore evidence in your conclusion, and we will have to see if the US court system seeks your opinion on the matter, or mirrors it. But he could be innocent, he could be guilty. That’s the opposite of dystopia. We presume he is innocent but he stands accused until his guilt can be proven in court.
You "explained why he lost."
Really now?
Did you include the part where it looks like the judge and his wife have connections to Dan Wootten as well as Amber Heard?
I must have missed that part.
Maybe - just maybe - you don't know why he lost. Maybe - just maybe - the justice system actually failed.
Oh - and I didn't ignore that evidence. I addressed it. Repeatedly. But if pretending I ignored it makes you feel better about your arguement, carry on. You seem content ignoring all the evidence against heard.
But since you want to harp on this one thing, let's revisit it:
"I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical abuse on each other.'"
Let's zoom in on that for emphasis.
"I just couldn't take THE IDEA of more physicality."
He couldn't take ???????????? ???????????????? of more physicality.
I can't take the idea of more animals being nailed to telephone posts. You know what that doesn't mean? It doesn't mean I ever nailed an animal to a telephone post.
It doesn’t. But if you said “I can’t take the idea of more animals being nailed to telephone posts. More of you and me doing that to them...” then that would strongly imply that you had participated in nailing animals to telephone posts wouldn’t it? Who would you add the part about how you can’t take more of us doing that thing, if we had not done that thing? While zooming it, we must not lose o heat permanence and forget that the things we aren’t looking at at that moment, do not stop existing just because you chose to focus on one single part of what a person said.
So as I have said before- the meaning there is ambiguous. Could it be a poor choice of words or a statement of duress? Or is it a lament of a man who is participating in a violent relationship and is sick of the mutual abuse? Is it so hard to believe that more than one person in an unhealthy relationship could be guilty of abuse? It happens quite regularly. It’s very common with verbal abuse. Partners not respecting each other, getting into cycles where they hurt each other because they aren’t able to communicate and process emotions, and it becomes the norm in a relationship. It becomes the way two people communicate and handle their differences.
As to your observations on the judge- I will save you the long list of people with ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Did they ALL kill him? Are ALL of them keeping quiet even though they know things, because of their ties to him? Perhaps SOME are. But- for the 11th time- suspicion, evidence, doesn’t equal proof. The judge COULD have been bias for personal reasons. Has the judge been disciplined? Have Depps lawyers filed for a mistrial on those grounds? Is the judge under investigation for misconduct? Is there any proof of misconduct beyond a verdict some people disagree with, and a connection to the case? How strong is that connection? Was this known or disclosed by the judge and their peers determined it wasn’t a conflict of interest? Many questions. Few answers. It is much quicker to skip all that “due process” stuff and just call it as you see it X, but.... I’m gonna say that’s not the way to do things. You can disagree- but you aren’t a judge or a lawyer I don’t think; and my gut tells me..
... you aren’t lined up for either of those careers. I may be wrong, it’s just a hunch and not definitive. So I mean... like I said before. You are welcome to your opinions. My feelings on this matter largely align with yours as to who I suspect did what. Largely, perhaps not entirely, and certainly not with your level of certainty or willingness to convict and sentence. But while everyone can have their opinion, as I said before- facts are facts. There are ways that analytical processes occur, and a way they are implemented in law. These processes don’t always give the “right” verdict but they protect against the arm chair justice you sling. Because you’re probably right, but getting a right answer in math class without showing the work is still a wrong answer because being right on a guess is worse than being wrong but simply having made a mistake that one can learn from.
I'm not gonna address the rest of this right now (maybe tomorrow if I feel like it).
I just wanna take a second to call out everyone who read the "????????????? ?????????????????????" In the middle of my comment earlier. No questions asked, nothin. Everyone just accepted it and moved on lol
Welp random sent me back here which is wildly unfortunately since that was nothing short of painful to read through. I'll take comment chains that didn't age well for literally all the milkduds, alex
"Because had we continued it, it would have gotten f---ing bad. And baby, I told you this once. I'm scared to death we are a f---ing crime scene right now,"
This shit started in, what? 2016? And in 2016 No one bothered acknowledging the possibility that maybe Amber was a lying manipulative narcissist because "Believe Women." They wasted no time nailing Depp to the wall and waiting for him to bleed out.
I can't speak for everyone else, but since you decided to respond to my comment chain, I will speak to my own experience.
I didn't get into this case assuming Depp was innocent. I got into it trying to find out what was going on. I had zero idea who Heard was. And That was over a year ago.
I have listened to the audio. I have watched the video. I've been through the court transcripts, the timelines, the photos. I've listened to Heard give her shitty speeches on the backs of real abuse victims. I've even looked at the damn recreation of the penthouse.
And bear in mind Depp made most of his comments after being psychologically and emotionally abused and battered, and gaslit for years. While dealing with an extremely volatile person who flies off the handle and attacks him anytime he says something she doesn't like.
If I were him I'd probably be placating too. Most likely when Depp said "they got physical" he meant either she got physical with him, or she got physical and he had to defend himself, or he was referring to breaking a lamp or some shit.
In almost every instance I can remember where they talk about a fight Depp is the one trying to de-escalate and/or walk away when things get physical.
Heard meanwhile made a habit of recording Depp in secret to try and disgrace him. More than once. When he was at his Worst, his most volatile.
She caught him having break downs. Passing out from drugs. Smashing cupboard doors.
You know what she never caught him doing? Laying a hand on her.
Of the two of them he has no history of violence. His exes all defend him, even the ones who have every reason not to.
Amber Heard hit her ex with a car. She beat the shit out of her sister. She openly mocks Depp for being a baby anytime he tried to walk away or diffuse a physical fight.
The very video she sent trying to frame him for abuse (Where they state he smashed her camera and attacked her after)? That video actually ends with amber heard's camera in perfect condition. So perfect it catches her smirking and giggling about the entire incident.
Many domestic abuse survivors and Sexual Assault survivors are against her. For making a mockery of their pain. For doing cute things like stealing someone else's alleged rape experience and using it to fabricate one of her stories. Many of them have been physically triggered listening to the audio between them. And Depp isn't the one that triggers them... it's Heard.
The fact that you feel entitled to spend 20 comments lecturing people on their stance and calling on them to "be smarter" when you yourself have completely dumbed down the weight of what's being discussed and WHY people might feel the way they do about it is somewhat hypocritical.
I'm not saying Guest_ is completely wrong either - people need to look into this shit before making their opinions, because NOT doing that is what's destroyed the careers of people like Depp, what's driven guys like Alec Holloway to kill himself.
But at this point people *have* been looking into this case. That's WHY they're finally turning on Heard. And it's been a hell of an uphill battle to get it to happen.
Woman got raped? "Well it's no one else's job to catch the rapist. She should have just been strong enough to deal with him herself."
Kid being abused? "Should have been smart enough to be born with nicer parents."
And at no point did Depp ever EVER "cop to a lot of abuse." Certainly not physical abuse. He admits to a lot of drug abuse, absolutely, but that's irrelevant. The most he ever "cops to" is fighting. If you listen to the other recordings he REPEATEDLY confronts Heard about starting physical fights.
I'm not sure what kind of dystopian society you live in where video/audio/eye-witness testimony/confessions of the accused = "he said/she said." Must be the same place the judge grew up.
It's fascinating how no one had this mind-set when Heard was accusing depp of literally breaking a solid wooden bedframe WITH HER BODY, the attack SO SEVERE she had raspberry jam on her lip the next day. A real tragedy right there.
Ooooo how about when depp "threw her through glass" and the end result was a bunch of thin, barely legible cuts on her arms, all roughly the exactly same length, going in the exact same directions, and the exact same angles?
If I remember right these particularly shoddy pieces of fabricated evidence helped cost Depp his job and his reputation.
She also entertained the idea of murdering depp with knives - a plan she included several of her friends in. You know - the ones that lived in Depp's penthouse rent-free?
She physically attacked him when he was late for a party. And shit on his bed.
I'm afraid if you've provided any evidence at all that points to Depp being abusive I'll need you to re-cite it. Discounting the obscure statement that admits to exactly zero abuse on his part that you mentioned.
But, please, tell me more about how much she was equally a victim. I'm sure there are literal tens of people at the ready to play the world's smallest violins on her behalf.
There is not, nor will there ever be, a damn thing you can say to convince me otherwise. Because my opinion is not based on "he said/she said." My opinion is based on countless hours looking through the EVIDENCE. Listening to the testimony. Examining the behaviour. It's not one I came to lightly.
It's not one YOU have the capacity to change, because YOU possess zero information I haven't already seen. Please don't feel the need to keep trying to convert me.
Really now?
Did you include the part where it looks like the judge and his wife have connections to Dan Wootten as well as Amber Heard?
I must have missed that part.
Maybe - just maybe - you don't know why he lost. Maybe - just maybe - the justice system actually failed.
Oh - and I didn't ignore that evidence. I addressed it. Repeatedly. But if pretending I ignored it makes you feel better about your arguement, carry on. You seem content ignoring all the evidence against heard.
"I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical abuse on each other.'"
Let's zoom in on that for emphasis.
"I just couldn't take THE IDEA of more physicality."
He couldn't take ???????????? ???????????????? of more physicality.
I can't take the idea of more animals being nailed to telephone posts. You know what that doesn't mean? It doesn't mean I ever nailed an animal to a telephone post.
I just wanna take a second to call out everyone who read the "????????????? ?????????????????????" In the middle of my comment earlier. No questions asked, nothin. Everyone just accepted it and moved on lol