My epilepsy Is triggered by certain noises. I use loud noises and bitchy high pitch noises as excuses to tell people to STFU. A big one is stupid reality shows when two women meet at a door, OH HI!!!!!! HEHEHEHE . No thank you.
Also prime time shows where every line is ment to be a joke and they play fake audience laughing. .No thank you.
I basically live with the t.v. remote in one hand and the the the trigger finger on the mute button. Even when site ads start blaring all of a sudden out of no where.
Same! "oh come on we can live, why aren't you having a good time?" well I was having a good time until you started yelling like a caveman and woke up my tinnitus.
Also prime time shows where every line is ment to be a joke and they play fake audience laughing. .No thank you.