Lol. I agree it is pretty funny. I mean, even looking for ghosts from centuries ago or longer and speaking modern English or Even the modern version of their native language is kinda funny. That said, in fairness- it’s also funny that we tend to equate ghosts to ancient or old. I mean- who’s to say the ghosts haunting the castle couldn’t be some college kid who tripped on the stairs in 2015? And I mean- a pretty large number of Germans and a decent number of French speak English anyway- English has been a pretty common language in non English European countries since at least 50 years- especially in areas with tourist type attractions and in urban or metropolitan areas. So your odds of finding a German ghost that speaks english are probably not too much worse than your odds of walking up to a random German and having them speak some English. Obviously this doesn’t really apply to ghosts centuries old or more- but as stated- ghosts that old might not understand modern languages anyway.
Haha that reminds me of a tumblr post that said basically what you said about modern ghosts and they suggested a ghost that'd yell "it's Britney bitch" everyday at 3 am...
Regarding the language thing however, most haunted areas I've heard of are in secluded areas, deep in the countryside... and even today in remote places of France like the one I'm living in, you try speaking English and all you'll get as an answer is " tailor is rich... Brian in the kitchen". 100 years ago the townspeople were speaking Breton anyways so I suggest using Google translate to directly speak to the ghosts in all the local dialects that have been spoken in the region.
Lol. “Google- connecting ghosts and people since 2020.” I agree though. The more remote an area- usually the less likely they speak English, but it is a super common language world wide. It makes you think though- some civilizations can be traced back historically for thousands of years- China for example has been an empire into antiquity- so why don’t more ghost hunters learn ancient Asian dialects and hunt there? Why is it always castles and wolf west stories and such, I wonder?
Well.... by the same logic science has been searching for things like the Higgs Boson longer than that and haven’t found it. Sometimes it takes hundreds of years from when the search for an idea starts and when science can find it- but that doesn’t mean that these things don’t exist- it means that we haven’t found them. What’s more- it’s often the case that the main thing holding back science is technology. We’ve only very recently been able to actually observe and not just mathematically show the existence of quite a few phenomenon or particles- because up until recently the instruments or means to do so didn’t exist and were beyond our ability to create. Even when perhaps the seniors sensitive enough to measure certain things exist- a computer or control device capable of sampling and processing the data fast enough- or capable of the massive throughput of data may not have existed. In some cases we are even able to correct extremely cutting edge discoveries made decades or less...
... in the past, because in the interim better, more precise equipment was discovered. What’s more- sometimes we have the technology but we don’t have the means. For example- the large hadron collider or some of the massive arrays and probes used for astrophysics and other observations of the cosmos- these tend to be massive and expensive structures which we don’t have many of. Even smaller lab equipment can be rare or so in demand that getting time at all is difficult to impossible and you must generally share with others and try to combine projects to maximize the use of the equipment or facilities. So the logic that they haven’t found any ghosts in what is a relatively short time on the scale of scientific research- isn’t proof there are no ghosts.
It’s also worth mentioning that they just might not be very good at it- or even basically qualified to study ghosts. Even with a budget of billions of dollars and the best facilities in the world- if you took a random fast food restaurant crew or the cast of an average sitcom and gave them years to use those things to discover a new treatment for HIV.... well... the odds are they wouldn’t be successful because they probably aren’t the right people for that job. So a very simple explanation to why they haven’t found any ghosts could be that these guys just aren’t good at it. Now- even if you took the worlds leading marine biologists and threw money and support at them, their odds of making a breakthrough in astrophysics is pretty slim. Even amongst trained scientists, while there are certain skills and knowledge that cross disciplines (and sometimes a scientist from outside a field has perspective and information that can lead to breakthroughs beyond their field) generally even...
... scientists don’t do so great outside their speciality. I mean- you probably wouldn’t want the worlds greatest brain surgeon performing a face lift or boob job on you if you had some well regarded and experiences cosmetic surgeons to choose from- and you also likely wouldn’t want the worlds leading surgeon in calf implants performing brain surgery on you if there were some well regarded brain surgeons to choose. You don’t want your dentist to remove your appendix or your pediatrist to do your dental implants non general. So I mean... however one feels about ghosts- we cannot scientifically say they do not exist-!but we can say we do not have enough evidence to consider the theory at this time.
Regarding the language thing however, most haunted areas I've heard of are in secluded areas, deep in the countryside... and even today in remote places of France like the one I'm living in, you try speaking English and all you'll get as an answer is " tailor is rich... Brian in the kitchen". 100 years ago the townspeople were speaking Breton anyways so I suggest using Google translate to directly speak to the ghosts in all the local dialects that have been spoken in the region.