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· 4 years ago
i mean technically we did evolve "masks." Our noses run off of the same principle as masks, putting layers of material to filter the air you breath in through hair and mucus to protect you. This is why some covid tests give false positives, itll detect covid bits in your nose that have been trapped in your mucus and havent infected you because your body's natural "mask" worked correctly. Just like any piece of worn equipment be it a hat, sunglasses, a shoe, a shirt, etc its there to improve the defenses your body already has against outside effects be it the sun, covid, debris in their air, rocks on the ground, or whatever else.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Technically we do develop "shoes" - it's called calluses, and I never have faith I've spelled it correctly
· 4 years ago
Neil what do you think nose hair is for?