I despise every union I've been exposed to. Especially the ones I've been forced to join just so they could tell me how to vote and then abandon me when covid put our shop out.
I was forced to join a union back in the 90s for a while and I hated every minute of it. Then I went on vacation and while I was gone, my job fired and rehired me so they could start me over at the bottom of my pay scale and benefits. They denied every appeal, so I reached out to the union. The union stepped up and got me restored within a couple of months.
I found out just recently that, when I retire, the union will be paying me a pension because I was "vested." I didn't even know what that meant 20 years ago. But, once I retire, I'll get $600/month forever because of them. The union had my back in ways I didn't understand when I was a member. I remember just being mad I had to pay $60 a month.
They took my money and offered nothing in return. Not medical, not job security, not even a Christmas ham.
They made every promise in the world and I got none of it.
And the worst fucking part? I didn't have a choice in the matter. The union owns all electrical work, down to the tertiary panel shops. Fuck them, and fuck everyone who wants to force even a single person into one.
I found out just recently that, when I retire, the union will be paying me a pension because I was "vested." I didn't even know what that meant 20 years ago. But, once I retire, I'll get $600/month forever because of them. The union had my back in ways I didn't understand when I was a member. I remember just being mad I had to pay $60 a month.
They made every promise in the world and I got none of it.
And the worst fucking part? I didn't have a choice in the matter. The union owns all electrical work, down to the tertiary panel shops. Fuck them, and fuck everyone who wants to force even a single person into one.