Yes textbooks have a tendency to exagerate the US's involvement militarily. But if your only metric for winning a war is in casualties then you have a flawed system. Most of the US' contribution cane from material goods. There's a reason the UK and French populations weren't straight up starving to death in large numbers like in Germany
Plus D-Day and two nukes; but yes, mainly it was our factories and defensive structure geographically. Hitler once asked Mexico if he could use them as a launching ground to invade the US, Mexico basically just laughed at him.
· 3 years ago
Well, I've been told that Mexico and Germany were actually getting all buddy buddy with each other. But it wasn't until the USA intercepted one of the messages and "persuaded" Mexico to drop plans with hitler. It wasn't until the USA sank the second mexican ship(blaming the nazis of course) that Mexico agreed.
Never heard that account. I'm not saying you're wrong; cuz I wasn't intercepting the messages; just never heard it told that way. The point is, it didn't work, at all lol.
In ww2 Mexico was wholly antagonistic to Germany. The foreign policy of Mexico and Germany clashed due to the Spanish Civil war. Germany openly supported Franco while Mexico openly supported the Popular front. Also, Mexico declared war on Germany in early 1942 and was one of only two Latin American nations to send soldiers to fight in Europe (the other being Brazil).
Openly being the operative word. If I'm laughing behind your back but supporting you decisions, am i really being friendly? No.... i'm doing something diabolic.
This is a very disingenuous and factually incorrect statement. The war was fought on 3 major land masses spanning 1000's of miles. Europe was the forefront but the middle east and Africa saw a large amount of conflict. On top of that you had the Japanese annexing german territory in the pacific and China.
As far as beligerents go all of north and south american countries declared war or suspended diplomatic ties with the central powers.
As far as beligerents go all of north and south american countries declared war or suspended diplomatic ties with the central powers.