I don't think it's backwards. The person on the left is getting progressively angrier, and the person on the right is getting progressively more of an a-hole about it, which sounds totally accurate to me.
I guess what I mean is the first wojak is right, but the responses are wrong. You say something on reddit that's racist and you end up having to make a public apology in front of your family and coworkers so that everyone you've ever known doesn't lose their jobs, and from there you apologize and apologize forever and ever and constantly say "I'll do better"
The problem @rosalinas is that the definition of racist is changing and people are going back to when it was different and holding the past to todays standards.
bruh i once made a slightly racist immagration joke (my parents are immagrants lmao) and some bitch started getting mad at me over it
like bro its a joke relax
you dont GET to decide whats racist and whats not. ESPECIALLY when you do not understand how something can be racist. please don't be ignorant, whether on purpose or not. "racist pride" smh log off
like bro its a joke relax