Heres my question (and remember: I have not played the games or read the books): are they going off of game lore, or are they making their own shit up?
tHe bOoK WaS bEtTeR!!!11! Ugg, just stop. No one cares the book was beater b/c the book is almost ALWAYS better. Just enjoy it for what it is or don't.
movie/tv scripts are always shortened from the source material, the Lord of the Rings was shortened, of course, those were epic stories, people cried they were shortened. The Hobbit, on the other hand, was broken up into three movies, keeping most of the sourse material in, people cried it was a trilogy and not one movie. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
(Yes, I know they added Legolas love story into it)
(Yes, I know they added Legolas love story into it)