if an employer fires an employee, cause you know, it's a pandemic and there's less work for everyone, is anyone really going to question it?
If said now unemployed employee isn't vaccinated, wouldn't that mean they are not a team player?
I mean, she's a nurse or doctor based on the scrubs. I sincerely hope there's less work for her, but that would mean the governments and media are lying to us (again)
Even if there is LESS, that should mean the work load for her is going back to normal (since it was majorly overloaded during covid from what they said)-- or else they have literally millions of backlogs of other patients that have been waiting for help on other issues-- so there should still be more than enough for her to do
And how does her not being vaccinated not make her a team player? The vaccinated are the "super spreaders" that would be putting her at increased risk, not visa versa
Plus, as she says: they were more than happy to let her put her life at risk before the vaccine
Maybe the set-up is for the unvaccinated illegals flooding the US to get the jobs that uppity and disobedient Americans are about to be kicked out of. Even the Army is about to be out a lot of American patriots. Why not replace them all with criminals indebted to POTUS and his party instead of loyal to the constitution and American liberty?
mine was a legitimate question, my work is using the pandemic as the last straw to get rid of a coworker, who, has chosen not to show up to work for the last 3 months and still collect a paycheck. He's been employed the longest, but literally does the least amount of work, even if he tries to sue for "unfair dismissal", it'll be thrown out.
If a business wants vaccinated workers, but is also struggling to cover costs, who'd question them laying off those that are unvaccinated?
That's got nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with the worker-employee relationship.
If this person is really so low-productivity then I don't think the business should need such a dubious excuse, just cut them out and present the numbers if he tries to raise a stink.
i agree, boss felt sorry for him before, being 56 and living with his mother, no drive for other work. But the pandemic is the excuse needed to fire the longest serving employee with no repercussions to the business.
If said now unemployed employee isn't vaccinated, wouldn't that mean they are not a team player?
Even if there is LESS, that should mean the work load for her is going back to normal (since it was majorly overloaded during covid from what they said)-- or else they have literally millions of backlogs of other patients that have been waiting for help on other issues-- so there should still be more than enough for her to do
And how does her not being vaccinated not make her a team player? The vaccinated are the "super spreaders" that would be putting her at increased risk, not visa versa
Plus, as she says: they were more than happy to let her put her life at risk before the vaccine
If a business wants vaccinated workers, but is also struggling to cover costs, who'd question them laying off those that are unvaccinated?
If this person is really so low-productivity then I don't think the business should need such a dubious excuse, just cut them out and present the numbers if he tries to raise a stink.