Very good!
There's a reason why "mutts" are usually the healthiest dogs and specific breeds have specific health problems. You can't outsmart nature, randomness is the safest order.
This picture really drives home how insanely extreme the breeding of these bull dogs is. Even humans' faces aren't this flat - and we don't use our jaws for hunting/our noses for tracking/ etc the way dogs would
A close friend is a vet who is specialized in surgery on cats and dogs. In the course of an operation, same as with humans, an oxygen tube is shoved through the nose into the airway. Animals hate that. ALL animals hate that. Except apparently for some pugs, namely those with extremely flat noses. Seems that intubation is a better deal for them than the limited air supply caused by this absurd breeding goal. People are the worst.
There's a reason why "mutts" are usually the healthiest dogs and specific breeds have specific health problems. You can't outsmart nature, randomness is the safest order.
This picture really drives home how insanely extreme the breeding of these bull dogs is. Even humans' faces aren't this flat - and we don't use our jaws for hunting/our noses for tracking/ etc the way dogs would