That's... not what a centrist is at all. I get what he's trying to do here but even if you're not identifying with a specific movement, the opinions you hold still put you on the political spectrum because it is descriptive, not prescriptive. You can be an independent and generally hold right wing views, or left wing views, or centrist views. But calling yourself a centrist because "both sides are bad"... I see what you're going for but I also think that ain't it, chief. If anything, it would make more sense to call yourself independent or apolitical. A centrist simply means you hold a moderate position on most topics, so basically a liberal (in the original sense).
· 3 years ago
So, so true. Guy's barely funny as a comedian and even less an insighful political commentator, but he truly sucks as a "filosoffer". Also it smells funny how this type of statement is usually supported by people who are definitely way right from whatever could be seen as a center. Not saying this is the case with KK or the thread opener.
I don't actually know the guy and the few minutes of research I could give him right now would probably not do him justice, so I can't comment on that.
But I agree with you, it does seem to be a trend more often seen on the right. Especially with libertarians who don't want to associate with the more authoritarian strands of the right. (In my experience anyway, I don't want to generalize.)
Which is really interesting especially in US politics in which the spectrum is already pretty skewed to the right, where centrists/liberals get called socialists and social democrats get called communists. Most of the country is, according to the global standard, to the right of the center. Talking about real policy, anyway. The culture war nonsense and the divide of "to woke or not to woke" is a whole different thing.
· 3 years ago
You should always be critical of all political ideas? Calling yourself a centrist doesn’t solve this problem because that’s just another box of ideas.
Calling yourself an individual in public is declaring yourself to be in a box. You can be an individual, but if you post that somewhere, you're now an "individual-ist" (of, or being part of the group of individuals) ... like "lone-gunmen" or "sole-survivors".
But I agree with you, it does seem to be a trend more often seen on the right. Especially with libertarians who don't want to associate with the more authoritarian strands of the right. (In my experience anyway, I don't want to generalize.)
Which is really interesting especially in US politics in which the spectrum is already pretty skewed to the right, where centrists/liberals get called socialists and social democrats get called communists. Most of the country is, according to the global standard, to the right of the center. Talking about real policy, anyway. The culture war nonsense and the divide of "to woke or not to woke" is a whole different thing.