I just think it's funny how the richest man in the world can't pay taxes because his riches are tied up in ownership yet he has $44 billion dollars laying around to buy Twitter.
Counter point- if he paid his taxes he’d only be able to buy Twitter like twice over instead of five times over- who’s going to risk spending $44 billion when that only leaves them maybe $50 billion to survive on if things go poorly? Really it’s a good idea to keep at least $100 billion set asides for emergencies and rainy days- like what if he lost his job and only had a few billion to survive on until he could find a new one?
From his humble beginnings as the son of a man who only owned half a mine to his grass roots education at Wharton School of Business or Stanford U- The man self made his wealth by finding people with good ideas and abusing them and those under them to make those ideas come true so he could be richer. He didn’t try to selfishly protect his image or conscience by asking questions of ethics or safety or employee well being. No. This man blazes ahead with a vision that the world should look the way he wants it to. Isn’t that worth losing a few billion in taxes?
And it isn’t like he even was able to buy Twitter in cash- he could only front a few billion dollars in cash and converted assets. That’s hardly a disgusting amount.
50 billion is still more than I could spend in a lifetime... and I have no intention on having kids.. so.. it would just me dicking around and trolling people if I owned the tweety birbs.
Yeah lol. I was being a bit cheeky. But when we consider if you had exactly $45 billion you’d still have enough money to buy Twitter and with any related costs covered have enough to spend $20 or so million dollars a year on anything you want for like 40 years.
A single billion is a ridiculous amount of money. 4 million would put most of the world in a place where they could live off that for 40 years and get a raise or keep their pay about the same while doing nothing. 100 million is literally a million dollars a year for a hundred years or $2 million for a more reasonable 50 years- a billion is 10x that.
On the one hand it’s his money to do with as he likes. On the other hand he has that money because a system was created to funnel money to the rich, so at the very least I consider this a clear screaming sign the system is deeply flawed.
From his humble beginnings as the son of a man who only owned half a mine to his grass roots education at Wharton School of Business or Stanford U- The man self made his wealth by finding people with good ideas and abusing them and those under them to make those ideas come true so he could be richer. He didn’t try to selfishly protect his image or conscience by asking questions of ethics or safety or employee well being. No. This man blazes ahead with a vision that the world should look the way he wants it to. Isn’t that worth losing a few billion in taxes?
A single billion is a ridiculous amount of money. 4 million would put most of the world in a place where they could live off that for 40 years and get a raise or keep their pay about the same while doing nothing. 100 million is literally a million dollars a year for a hundred years or $2 million for a more reasonable 50 years- a billion is 10x that.
On the one hand it’s his money to do with as he likes. On the other hand he has that money because a system was created to funnel money to the rich, so at the very least I consider this a clear screaming sign the system is deeply flawed.