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· 2 years ago
6 weeks pregnant is you period being two weeks late… if you have semi regular periods of roughly 28 days. It is “normal” for a period to last 40 days or a touch over for many women. It’s also the case that many types of birth control such as vaginal rings stop periods. If a woman gets pregnant while on birth control, or in the period when they are changing over to birth control (vaginal rings for example may be removed for any number of reasons and a new ring inserted at the wearers convenience. One common scenario is that women on period stopping birth control will often cease- such as removing a vaginal ring, to take a “pause” and allow a period to happen as a sort of “maintenance” break. It is possible that they may time this break for a period they do not anticipate sexual activity or issues from their period to be a problem. If while waiting for their period, they become sexually active or have a change in plans suddenly such as travel etc. where a period would be inconvenient…
· 2 years ago
.. they may decide to resume birth control to prevent their period.) in such cases where this occurs, a woman would not be expecting a period and so would not necessarily know or suspect pregnancy until they started to show obvious symptoms. Even a cautious woman, who thought that sexual activity in the period between birth control cycles may cause pregnancy, might take a home test or such- however, home tests are not always accurate, especially earlier in pregnancy, and hormonal birth control can invalidate the results. Thusly, “6 weeks pregnant” is quite a bit early to define a standard by which a person must take action based on information that very well may not be available the them.
· 2 years ago
this is why this extreme far right switch is so goddamn stupid. Women can just straight up skip a period and it's nothing but stress... but if they miss it, and have a tendency to know they can miss it, how the fuck would they know they are pregnant before these dumbass laws force them into something never intended? And now banning plan B? Condoms aren't 100% effective, get the fuck out of here with the nonsense, this isn't the 1400's
· 2 years ago
I'm so thankful that my bodily autonomy was protected throughout my life's entire reproductive era (which is now over). I feel so terribly sorry for all the American women facing this situation and the attitudes behind it.