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· 2 years ago
I can never tell if people are trolling or just this pathetically racist.
· 2 years ago
I trust you get as offended when someone stereotypes non whites.
· 2 years ago
well, i'm white and i don't give a flying fuck about rain, so there might be a bit of truth.... but idky it would be limited to white people. Speaking of which, i just got a flash flood warning for my area for the next 3 hrs, so now ima go outside and have a cig.
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· 2 years ago
@karlboll First, there is no such thing as a non-pathetic racist but when was the last time someone tweeted something inherently racist about a black person? I'm sure it happens but when it does the tweet gets removed and they get banned. It certainly doesn't end up a meme. Second, this isn't a stereotype. A stereotype is something that can reasonably said to be a trait of a specific large group while also not generally exhibited by other groups. I doubt there is any statistical data that would or even could show white people walk in the rain more than black people. Truthfully, given climate and population density this would be more likely for asians. Thirdly, do you ask black people if they get as offended by this as they do when they're the target of racism? No, you don't. And it doesn't even matter do you know why? Because the truthful answer is going to be no.
· 2 years ago
There are rare individuals that empathize at that level but everyone else? No we don't. Why? Because it is a psychological trait inherent in humans to take a offense when an "other" purposely insults us. We are less insulted to hugely varying degrees when the object of the insult is towards "others". Yes, most of us can ideologically recognize that it is an insult and given a set of moral beliefs generally condemn such behavior. But it will never impact us the same as the insulted "group". The greater the degree of separation between ourselves and the insult or act the less we feel about it. The closer the more. Here's an example: Myanmar's government actively tries to eradicate other ethnic groups. When was the last time you saw this on the news. Why? Because it doesn't hit close to home and yet it's still racism. Still the same issue just on the opposite side of the world.
· 2 years ago
You may be one of those rare individuals that can care about everyone the same as you would your closest friends and family. I don't know. Most of us though are not. So I call out crap like this^ occasionally. If there was ever a tweet that gets made into a meme being racist against non-whites I hope I'd do the same. But it's very unlikely that it will ever show up here. Instead your comment makes you look like you see yourself as sitting on a high horse and how dare someone say something in this area that's not me. I hope that was not your intent and that you don't see yourself as better than the rest of us. Just one more person trying to make the world a better place and maybe have some fun along the way.