How sad it must be to be a man who has such little self value or value in anything other than dating that he can’t be motivated to provide for himself and his family unless he has a woman that suits his fancies.
I suppose the lack of self esteem and self accountability in the statement add up, and then we realize this hypothetical man basically wants a girl just like grandma- probably because his grandma always said he was handsome and cool when no one else would.
You have ambition or you don’t. You have it in you to take care of your business or you don’t. If you’re going to blame being a shitty partner on some woman not meeting your standards or being “too hard-“ here’s an idea Einstein- instead of being a shitty partner to her back- leave and be alone until you can find your grandma or whatever.
I suppose the lack of self esteem and self accountability in the statement add up, and then we realize this hypothetical man basically wants a girl just like grandma- probably because his grandma always said he was handsome and cool when no one else would.
You have ambition or you don’t. You have it in you to take care of your business or you don’t. If you’re going to blame being a shitty partner on some woman not meeting your standards or being “too hard-“ here’s an idea Einstein- instead of being a shitty partner to her back- leave and be alone until you can find your grandma or whatever.