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· 2 years ago
Also redditors who like their own post
· 2 years ago
I'm pretty sure Reddit defaults to liking any post or comment you make
· 2 years ago
The very nature of "facts" is that they are non-negotiable. That is the point. So I wonder which fact checkers this is referring to exactly.
· 2 years ago
Yes and no? In the absolute sense a “fact” would be what is and nothing more, free of interpretation or opinion. Human beings however lack absolute knowledge and thusly all facts are negotiable in that sense as our knowledge expands and what we believed to be fact is often revealed to be incomplete or untrue. The key lies in the definition of the word- what is proven. We can’t prove anything free from interpretation. Proof by default requires belief and belief in a human is subject to interpretation and bias. Generally we can accurately say something like “evidence suggests…” and this applies to “universal truths” like death- do all humans eventually die a lasting death? Well… kinda duh. But… we can’t say that is fact or proven in an absolute sense. A LOT of evidence suggests VERY strongly that all humans eventually die. IF we discovered evidence to strongly refute that- the fact would be negotiable.
· 2 years ago
In short- a fact which is negotiable could be said to be a fact which is not a fact- it is incorrect or inaccurate. I suppose the fact isn’t so much negotiable as the evidence- since we lack absolute knowledge and can only rely on factors like observation and inference, the veracity of fact depends on many factors. We don’t know everything and our memories and such are also fallible as well as our character- if only two people witness a person say something and those two people have different accounts of what was said- we have to decide what evidence we will consider and what weight we will give it to decide upon what we believe as fact. What was ACTUALLY said remains the same- but our knowledge of the event must follow this process. So what is called “fact” is often not fact at all. Or to say it differently- what happened is what happened and negotiating doesn’t change that, but your ability to know what happened is generally a process of negotiation.