Why would i poke a bear, or a man for that matter? Bears generally don't attack unless provoked, unlike a lot of men I've had the great misfortune to meet.
Way to blow it out of proportion.
I guess when a man crosses the street to my side at night and speeds up, it’s because I dropped my pepper spray and he’s just returning it to me.
I think overall, the people who are advocating for the men in the bear vs men debate… are usually men. Because they can’t handle being associated with sex offenders, rapists, serial killers, etc
I guess when a man crosses the street to my side at night and speeds up, it’s because I dropped my pepper spray and he’s just returning it to me.
I think overall, the people who are advocating for the men in the bear vs men debate… are usually men. Because they can’t handle being associated with sex offenders, rapists, serial killers, etc