A roadside rest stop along a tollway I used to drive had stalls whose walls went from a foot above the floor to about four feet above the floor. IOW, you got to make eye contact with anyone sitting on a toilet. I heard it was because the state was worried about people doing drugs in the stalls, but that doesn't completely ring true.
Could also be to dissuade people from using the stalls for hook-ups.
I worked at a WW2 era aircraft manufacturing plant that had those types of doors. Pretty sure their motive was productivity based. Hard to take a nap when any boss can see your face. This factory also had short swingdoor urinals scattered along the walls of the production floor. Since the workforce was almost exclusively male at the time of construction, it saved a lot of the schlepping time required to get to and back from the much more distant, second story, full service washrooms.
I worked at a WW2 era aircraft manufacturing plant that had those types of doors. Pretty sure their motive was productivity based. Hard to take a nap when any boss can see your face. This factory also had short swingdoor urinals scattered along the walls of the production floor. Since the workforce was almost exclusively male at the time of construction, it saved a lot of the schlepping time required to get to and back from the much more distant, second story, full service washrooms.