While this is such a touching story and I don't mean or want to hurt these children, I just want to say not all pitbulls are like this. In reality, they are some of the sweetest dogs known to man, and these pitbulls probably attacked the 5 children because they were abused at their home, put into pitbull fights (which is horrible), or other reasons. While this is all very sad, this is the reason that people believe pitbulls are bad. Sure, a lot of them are, but they don't start out bad, they are beaten until they are aggressive. And some people think, automatically, that just because they've heard some stories about pitbull attacks, that all pits are bad. But they aren't.
I love Pit Bulls! They are such amazing dogs and I hate how much of a bad rep they get because their owners don't know how to take care of them! When some people buy Pit Bulls, they over breed them, cut off their ears, beat them and than make them fight....What I don't get is, why is the poor dog is the one people fear? The one that gets the bad rep? If anything, the beast is not the dog, but the two legged animal at the other end of the leash....No one is born bad....It's the owner who is responsible for whether the dog grows up good or bad....Judge the deed, not the breed....Give a Pit Bull a try before you sentence them all to die...
In Australia I met the nicest pitbull ever. She was absolutely hilarious and I agree with guest, it's the owners that make pitbulls aggressive, not the dogs. I hate stereotypes.
Here in Ohio if you own a pitbull your insurance goes up because they are supposedly more dangerous than other dogs
· 11 years ago
They were originally red to fight , so they do have more of a natural tendency to attack. But that's not their fault, and that insurance thing is RIDICULOUS.
Kinda messed up that none of those kids jumped in to defend their dog...
What's the downvote for??? The kids are bigger, and they just let that poor little dog die like that without lifting a finger to help? For shame...
Yes I find it cool that this little dog did his best to save these children. And its sad he died. I'm probably going to get down votedfor this but I need to say, it annoys me how many posts there are that are against pit bulls. I'm just saying,I personally own 4 pit bulls and they are a very sweet breed of dog. Any breed of dog can be aggressive,whether its a big dog like a pit or a small dog like a terrier,any dog can be aggressive and attack. It's a sweet story and I'm sad that the dog died and happy that the children are ok, but I hope people realize that pit bulls are not bad dogs,they were probably just trained wrong.
I love the dog protected his family. But I hate how people Judge pitbulls. It's the owner not the dog. I have a pit mix and he's a really sweet boy. Who's a bit hyper but would never hurt someone. People need to learn that not all pitbulls are dangerous it's the way it's raised.
Queue people saying 'not all pit bulls are bad'. To those people: pit bulls are BRED to be aggressive, it IS in their nature to be violent to anyone and anything. Yes, you can get the odd nice one, but stop pretending like it isn't in their genetics. Pit bulls are dangerous -_-
I know it's in their genes but if u raise them from when they're born and u raise them to be well trained and not aggressive then their just like any other dog.
MOST DOGS ARE BRED TO BE AGGRESSIVE!!! Including the terrier that died. Originaly called rat terriers, they were breed for hunting and killing rats and other vermin. Same thing with boxers, german shepards, rottweilers, doberman pinschers, and many, many others. You know this cute bulldogs? They were bred to take down full grown bulls for sport. What about wolfhounds? Bred to KILL WOLVES!!! The more aggresive, the better because thoses were the ones that survived. I COULD GO ON AND ON!!! But their aggesiveness was never ment to turn on humans! THAT IS SOLELY THE OWNERS FAULT!!!
What's the downvote for??? The kids are bigger, and they just let that poor little dog die like that without lifting a finger to help? For shame...