well im sorry that we have a cute ass relationship and you all are jealous since it seems like you all are on this shit all day and live at your parents house and you can't get a girl to touch your wang. So calm yourself. All of your senses of humor sucks dick haha. We were just messing and proving you wrong for the hell of it holy fucking shit balls. So check yourself before you wreck yourself
Lol, whatever. It was all tl:dr anyway.
Your 12 year old COD player response heavily implies that you are one of the people that the OP was talking about in the first place.
That's just how he acts. When he's fucking with people he acts like that, which no one knows because no one knows him. I chose to prove a point because, although the above person states they didn't try to challenge me to do anything, I felt I needed to defend myself after he got sassy and said "suuuurrreeee" Maybe instead of being judgmental, they should realize that most people don't lie on the internet. The fact is that they don't know anything. This was bigger than JUST me. This wasn't about proving I, MYSELF, was dating someone. This was about proving the point that you can't doubt people when you don't know
You realize that's not actually an excuse, right?
Also, it is quite possible, not to mention WISE, to doubt people "when you don't know". But go ahead and keep commenting. Your naivete is amusing. Almost as amusing as your "bf"'s antics.
You want to know the real reason why I made myself look stupid? To prove a point. I will argue all day with someone because I'm passionate about what I believe in. I don't think anyone should have to be afraid to prove someone wrong, Maybe I was a bitch, but so is everyone else on the internet. The facts are, that A) Someone shouldn't judge unless they actually know the person, and B) People get defensive over things because it hits close to home. I've had two friends kill themselves because people told them they were liars on the internet and if I can at least try to stop someone from calling someone else a liar or not believing them, then I'm going to do it. Sorry I made myself look stupid to you, but I really don't care. I made my point (fairly belligerently, but I still said what I wanted to say.)
I still wouldn't mind getting together with all of you. Sorry I got mad everyone, but the truth is that I'm sick of all the cyber bullying and disbelief that goes on over the internet. If I was a suicidal person, this could have played out very differently. My point is, that if you don't know the person, don't call them out (Sounds hypocritical because that's exactly what I did) Anyways yea, um I've had friends kill themselves over someone thinking they were lying over the internet so it kind of hit home for me and I got ridiculously out of hand, but I still feel good for sticking up for myself and proving, at least to a few people, that you can stand up for yourself
Oh lord, I hope you're not trying to hold people hostage with the suicide card now...
I'm sorry your friend wasn't able to ignore people online, but that's no reason to restrict their freedom of speech. Btw, have you stopped to think that your bf's behavior towards others on here might be hurtful?
That being said, I think it's unfortunate that this happened after the FS community has made such progress getting to know and befriend each other. Your bf may think the fact that he doesn't know anyone here is an excuse to act like that, but in the end, it's only reflecting poorly on himself. Besides, if YOU're here, he should realize that others like you would also hang out here, and maybe he should treat them like he would you, at least until they prove they're not worthy of that respect.
No, I am not. I'm just saying. I'm trying to stop now so I say we all just stop commenting? And yea it can be which is why I told him he wasn't helping. He also apologized. I'm the one who wants everyone to be friends on here. I am the person who posted that "Am I?" picture up, so obviously I like people on here. This just got out of control. I've had an argument with you before on here and I would like to say that we had somewhat patched things up, so before this goes any farther, I would like to stop. This all started as a joke and it just went to far. No one is going to solve any problems by bitching at each other, so let's just all STFU and pretend this didn't happen and be ok with the fact that people can have their own opinions and voice them without getting bitched at by others, myself included
LOL hump was so offended over that comment...Haha, that was great. And rainicornmaster's high school drop out grammar is best. I hope they return to make fools out of themselves again...LMFAO!
rainicornmaster and humpdaaaaayyyy, we don't care if you two are going out OK?! We don't even know you 2. This is FUNsubstance. Yeah see the word FUN?!
Person said I wasn't with a person (because they doubt the validity of people on the internet, so I proceeded to call them out, jokingly, then it turned out to be not-so-funny when myself and boyfriend took things too far, the end. Apparently I'm supposed to feel stupid but to be honest, reading back all of it, it's kind of funny! Apparently my boyfriend is a douche bag but yea whatever he's a douche bag when he's fucking around and apparently I'm being pitied and still am not believed by some people, but whatever. I never cared until shit got real and then I was just mad that people actually can't just take someone at their word. In my opinion, the only time when I don't someone is when I have proof but whatever.
It wasn't meant to be broadcasted that way, which is why I pointed out that it turned out to be not so funny. I'm trying to stop the arguments, if you would actually read the last few posts I put up, you would know that. If you don't know, I'm to one who is trying to plan a party on here and wondering if we should all meet. YEA that's me. I'm not a bitch but I turned into one because my emotions got in the way. So how about we all please stop commenting on this because it's making everyone stupid for arguing with everyone else and it's just going to continue if we don't ALL put a stop to it.
To Hump,
Being an idiot isn't the same as being a douchebag. Your boyfriend has demonstrated his lack of intelligence by attempting to defend you, which frankly was quite funny.
For instance, 'ohhhhh yea we like to be cranky because you got showed up and u like to be a wittle bitch about it cuz we gotchu. AWWWWW YIISSSSSSS. Sucka wang. and your a disgrace to jesus, so go fuck yourself faggot'...LOL?
You should find this funny as I'm sure everyone else has. I do however, feel sorry for your boyfriend. I hope he manages to graduate high school on time.
He's not stupid so don't feel sorry for him. He's going for an engineering degree out of high school so he is not stupid. He was, as you pointed out, trying to be funny, but people took it the COMPLETE wrong way. I did make him stop and he did apologize, but people couldn't see over that because we all got too excited.
Huh...some people take defending thier relationship way to seriously, I mean I've got a girlfriend, I tend to comment about her on girlfriend posts, but I'm not gonna fight with someone that calls me out if she exists....
It just got out of hand and I'm trying to put a stop to it. Everyone in that whole line of arguments was too excited and we said things we didn't mean (at least I did) It was only meant to be a joke and then when my boyfriend stepped in everything went south. It seriously wasn't supposed to turn into this.
Look the point here that people are trying to make is you need to stop defending yourself on this subject. we've seen your point, but constantly replying to everyone trying too "stop" it is only causing it to keep going. Just stop commenting and let it die is the best advice I can give you right now. In a week nobody will remember any of the things posted here anyway.
· 11 years ago
Hahaha oh my god this is the funniest shit I've seen all day humpday should have stopped a LOOOONNGG time ago it just made her look worst. And please humpday do not reply to this message I have no need for your response I'm just staying my opinion. Haha oh man should have grabbed some popcorn.
Alright. I thought it was just because they're talking about guys who spend lots of time on the Internet generally being those forever alone type of guys
Haha ok well when you see titles of images of him and I and conversations we have had about fun substance, etc, with your name on them because I've called you out, please feel free to feel like an idiot. I'll put all the links on here as soon as I have posted them all so you have them all in one place. Thanks for challenging me. I love showing people up ;)
omg!!hahaha okay so i get screenshots then upload them on the comments ??
· 11 years ago
God, take a joke! Not only have you completely missed the humour of the post, but you further destroyed it by taking my reply far too seriously and as a challenge (which it certainly wasn't - defensive much?) And blimey - why do you feel the need to prove to me you're in a relationship? Not only is this the Internet, but this is Funsubstance - we really don't care. So thank you, I shan't be thinking myself an idiot and you didn't show me up, rather yourself. Good day.
Don't try me next time then. And yes, I am defensive because I'm sick of people trying to tell me that I'm wrong when I'm the one living it and no the other person
ohhhhh yea we like to be cranky because you got showed up and u like to be a wittle bitch about it cuz we gotchu. AWWWWW YIISSSSSSS. Sucka wang. and your a disgrace to jesus, so go fuck yourself faggot
Your comment was so illiterate, intolerant and immature that I'm laughing! Good luck taking the high ground in this situation - you've got an awful long way to climb up.
I obviously wasn't trying to take the high ground at all... I was trying to prove you wrong in the worst way possible. Revenge is not the "high ground"
There was no need to prove him/her wrong.. This is the Internet. All of us don't care about your relationship.. At all. The fact that you felt like you had to prove him/her wrong is laughable. Just move on
Haha I'm done here. you guys just got mad because you don't EVER expect anyone to stand up for themselves. When that happens you get defensive, just like I did, and try to back pedal into offending people. Was I immature, yes, but you're just as much so
I would like to point out firstly that no one here (at least to my knowledge) got "mad" except yourself and your partner. What made this event remarkable was that you had no cause to "stand up" for yourself, as you put it, for no one had challenged, insulted or harmed you or your principles. Furthermore, we didn't get defensive - it was in fact we that then had to stand up for ourselves, as you unleashed quite the tirade. We didn't offend anyone in the process - in fact, I do believe your partner can be proud of holding that honour after hurling phrases such as "wittle bitch", "sucka wang" and "go fuck yourself faggot" at me. Then, in the lovely manner that the majority of people on this website act, others came along to attempt to diffuse the situation and help make light of it - but this was, again, met with backlash and insults (this time in the form of being called "immature"). I am glad you are "done here", for now I am too, though it seems you just can't quite stop yourself...
it was all a joke just lets chill haha like we don't have to write long paragraphs about how mad you are. Im just playing around sorry if it offend anyone.
Ok, one, I like how your tone changed in the last comment. Impeccable grammar and big words that you don't even know how to use show me you're trying to hard to prove a point. Although you did prove your point, I also proved a point. My point, although you didn't seem to understand, was that not everyone is going to be a pussy on the internet. This is a bigger issue than just "Oh yea, this bitch doesn't have a boyfriend" Or "That guy is on the internet all the time so he must not have a girlfriend." The issue here is, that in REAL life, there are people who are doubted and it gets frustrating. You can't walk around and tell people that they are false when you have never met them. If you MET me and KNEW for a fact that I do not have a boyfriend, then this HUGE issue we had wouldn't have started. But, the fact is that I'm utterly disgusted with people trying to act like they doubt ANYONE, not just acting like they doubt me. You don't know the person, you don't know their life, so quit
doubting people. Also, in the very beginning, I wasn't planning on being a dick, and we didn't "take it too far;" there was only one link, and as you see, I was fucking around with my boyfriend. You ALSO "completely missed the humour of the post"
This was a waste of time. I shouldn't even have commented in the first place. These two "lovers" are hardheaded. Ok you and your boyfriend can enjoy telling people, who don't even know or care about you, that you two are in a relationship.. Come back when you actually find someone who cares. It isn't going to make anyone view you in a better light, rather the opposite like right now. Anyways, I'm done here.
He's not a douche bag in real life! Haha don't feel bad for me. And we've been together for six months and are practically engaged so yea. Anyways since you're done and I am as well, let's just forget that I'm a bitch who doesn't take shit from anyone. You're just as hard headed as I am for continuing the fight as long as I did.
Your 12 year old COD player response heavily implies that you are one of the people that the OP was talking about in the first place.
Also, it is quite possible, not to mention WISE, to doubt people "when you don't know". But go ahead and keep commenting. Your naivete is amusing. Almost as amusing as your "bf"'s antics.
I'm sorry your friend wasn't able to ignore people online, but that's no reason to restrict their freedom of speech. Btw, have you stopped to think that your bf's behavior towards others on here might be hurtful?
That being said, I think it's unfortunate that this happened after the FS community has made such progress getting to know and befriend each other. Your bf may think the fact that he doesn't know anyone here is an excuse to act like that, but in the end, it's only reflecting poorly on himself. Besides, if YOU're here, he should realize that others like you would also hang out here, and maybe he should treat them like he would you, at least until they prove they're not worthy of that respect.
Being an idiot isn't the same as being a douchebag. Your boyfriend has demonstrated his lack of intelligence by attempting to defend you, which frankly was quite funny.
For instance, 'ohhhhh yea we like to be cranky because you got showed up and u like to be a wittle bitch about it cuz we gotchu. AWWWWW YIISSSSSSS. Sucka wang. and your a disgrace to jesus, so go fuck yourself faggot'...LOL?
You should find this funny as I'm sure everyone else has. I do however, feel sorry for your boyfriend. I hope he manages to graduate high school on time.
I kind feel bad for humpday...