

Providing facts, statistics, and details since 2013.
funstats Report User
This town is doing it right 10 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
I'd take that bet. Smartphone chargers are 5 volts, 1 amp (excluding the new quick chargers, and tablet chargers). That's 5 watts. 5 watts is very little power, easily provided by that solar panel there. This can probably charge several phones at once on solar alone. It is probably connected to the grid, but only for when it's night.
(Unpopular Opinion) What is it with FS lately? 63 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
9GAG and iFunny? I tried them. Didn't like it. FunSubstance is where it's at!

Do you really need to censor those FunSubstance? You shouldn't be so self conscious! You're the best anyway, so anyone who goes to them will just come right back!
1 · Edited 9 years ago
I think I will just use my data. 7 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
This is the Fourier Series, you can't "solve" it...

Unless the password is "Fourier series"...
- FunStats
The greatest thing ever!!!! 8 comments
funstats · 9 years ago

(They already have $1 million, so I think it's getting made...)
14 · Edited 9 years ago
Shits heavy 13 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Is it not possible to honor soldiers but also be anti-war?

(The piece is called Some/One, and the artist did not have any particular meaning in mind. He intentionally left it open to interpretation.)
- FunStats
14 · Edited 9 years ago
How long did it take you? 65 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
No, the guests solution is valid. There are two solutions:

8 - 4 = 4
5 + 4 = 9

Both can be made by moving a single match.
- FunStats
How do you type ξ? 15 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Vivaldi was first 5 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
No, if you tap there it directs you to a place where you can purchase the watermark's removal. Unfortunately, it's probably not worth the price.
- FunStats
Useful sign 2 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Instructions unclear, got truck stuck in bridge.
One in four americans is skeptical 13 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Woah, hold up a second there!

"Who gives a s**t?" I do! Polls like this do serve a purpose. This one tells us that a full 25% of people don't believe climate change is real. If you're one of the 75%, you should be concerned by that!

Sure, if you're using this poll to say "look, no one believes in climate change so it MUST not be real", you're doing it wrong. Instead, look at it and say "wow, that's a lot of uneducated people, maybe we should fix that..."

Remember, these people vote. They make a difference. Wouldn't it be nice if they were educated enough to make a good difference?
- FunStats
21 · Edited 9 years ago
White tigers 12 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Because, it was on a certain humor website with a 9 in its name, and, as you can see, FunSubstance has replaced the web address with "".
If you really want to see it, here's a short link to it that FunSubstance won't auto-block:
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Do you know 6 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
The website on the sign is real:
It's about his hat...
CCTV 7 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
"explain this to the confused American here"
"magazine (paper, not gun)"
Just laughed out loud, that was beautiful.
hnnnnng 20 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
But they sell those in single colors as well. I'd imagine they just bought them separate and layered them like that for the "after" picture. Then they stirred them up and took the "before" picture. I sure hope they didn't actually sort them out...
- FunStats
Maybe a cheeseburger stabbed a cheeseburger over a cheeseburger 8 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Someone stabbed their mom over a cheeseburger. You can actually watch the news segment here:
- FunStats
When a stranger tries to make small talk 2 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Don't know if you noticed, but this is picture 300,000! Great milestone to start the new year!
- FunStats
( )
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Apparently EA is in the furniture business now 15 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Yes. It was designed as a "protest against the commercialization of modern life".
- FunStats
What on earth is Chaos Defrost? 10 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
"Chaos defrost uses random pulses of power to achieve a quicker and more even defrost within the food."
Netflix and chill is far from here 19 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Note that I still wouldn't use it. Besides this, there are other concerns regarding Hola that make it just not worth it.
It's highly likely that the browser extension is safe, but their client is not. Google would NOT allow their extension into the Chrome Web Store if it did the "peer-to-peer" routing. Google has policy's against this, and they'd have removed the extension:
- FunStats
1 · Edited 9 years ago
Netflix and chill is far from here 19 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Sorry, but no. Read their FAQ:
"The browser extension and Opera browser add-on operate as a standard VPN service and are not part of the Hola peer-to-peer network."
Or the Google Chrome Web Store:
"This is NOT a peer to peer application."
YES, Hola does what the links you provided describe IF you use their client. But NO, not when you're using the browser extension alone. This may have changed recently, making the pages you linked out of date. Or maybe their writers were just misinformed.
- FunStats
Netflix and chill is far from here 19 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
The guest's comment said to use the Chrome extension for Hola, which does not do what you described. The Chrome and Firefox extensions are not "peer-to-peer" so are "safe". They don't route other people's internet through yours.
- FunStats
Never again 25 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Attacking a chicken in Skyrim is a crime (it's someone's chicken after all...). When you do it, everyone who sees you starts attacking you because you have a bounty. If you kill the people as well, then you're even more wanted...
You can watch someone try it here:
- FunStats
Thanks switzerland 14 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
While this does seem to be true, it seems much more likely that Apple will just not sell iPhone in Switzerland. It's unlikely that they would sell a special version with a universal charger for Switzerland, and it's also unlikely that they'd make all iPhones have universal chargers, just because of this regulation.
When it comes to money, what they'd lose in not selling to Switzerland (population around 8 million) is probably a lot less than the cost of using a universal charger. Remember, Apple makes money every time you buy one of their fancy lightning cables!
While I agree that Apple should switch to universal chargers, Switzerland just isn't big enough to push Apple to make that change. Apple will just say "Hah suck it Switzerland".
Welcome to the future 24 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Li-Fi is expected to be much cheaper than wi-fi! Read my other comment for a link, as well as the limitations.
Welcome to the future 24 comments
funstats · 9 years ago
Problem is it uses visible light to work, so it doesn't work through walls.
This can actually be a good thing though. If you need top security, no one can connect to your network if you just close the door.
- FunStats