Fishy Fun Requests 24 comments
· 4 years ago
FunSub Friend Appreciation 146 comments
Wonder Woman cosplay 7 comments
· 4 years ago
She looks like an actual hero. Not to say Gal wasn't any good but she lacked the physique of a hero. This one looks like she can punch you with one finger. Also she looks like she gives great hugs.
A most beautiful species, the Secretary Bird 13 comments
He seems to be saying it rather well (@Guest_) 10 comments
· 4 years ago
This the most accurate meme I've seen about someone. I read his comments up to the third post depending on the subject. And then for some reason that we all can agree with, we get lost while reading and forget what we were reading in the first place. Lol. Much love @Guest_.
Does that make us furries? 7 comments
· 4 years ago
I think you were trying to say he was ahead of his time, he didn't look like the traditional Disney prince. Also I preferred him as a human, it was nice to see a different looking prince.
Guys this is my first star in years :D 2 comments
Froggo Fun #182 - Weather the Storm Together 2 comments
TRUTH 4 comments
· 4 years ago
They say it in their own language, they also say other names/words too. This isn't just on one particular set of people but everyone in general. I have been in plenty salons with variation of people and backgrounds. If you upset or cause a fuss in their establishment they talk shit about you in front of you in their own language.
Soda design done properly 8 comments
Anon on self-checkout 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I hate small talk, I like to take my time and not rush to get my payment/groceries out the door for the other person to feel the same. I use the self checkout isle instead of waiting in line behind stinky mean people. I hate people in the store. I have the power to making sure my items match the price listed. I also bag my items the way I want it done and not poorly placed just so the dude can finish quicker. I hate small talk.
The future is now! 4 comments
· 4 years ago
It makes no sense because after one person uses it their body fluids stick onto the surface. Sure they may clean it but there is still residue especially in the air, particles tend to linger longer depending on the volume of area. So they are making a hot spot for germs/potential illnesses. They might as well just open the gym more freely at this point.
Edited 4 years ago
In case you needed one more reason why people are upset about The Last Of Us 2 18 comments
· 4 years ago
I.... Don't know how to feel about this. Ellie's intimate scene wasn't too bad/intense but this is something I was not expecting at all. Thanks for the heads up, at least now it won't be too much of a what the fuck moment. Now I think it's going to be more of a cringe moment. So much cringing....
In case you needed one more reason why people are upset about The Last Of Us 2 18 comments
· 4 years ago
What in the actual fuck?!? Really? I'm playing the last of us 2 right now... I don't know if I want porn after crying so much.
It's never too late 2 comments
Watching chernobyl 1 comments
Comeback? Turns out he never actually left 9 comments
· 4 years ago
This is why that should be left as privacy time only. Whatever you do behind the bathroom door stays there.