User jd1984 Banned

Netflix and kill? 7 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Do politicians know anything?
Roll call. Who doesn't know? What else don't you know? 20 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
lasers, nuff said.
Snip snip 9 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Pretty sure there are laws against damaging property.
Vacuuming a Star Wars set, circa 1989 11 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
This isn't from the MCU.
Asking the real questions here 12 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Can't you just steal/destroy stuff or kill someone like a normal healthy person so we can control the population into obeying us the rest of the year?
This wouldn't have happened if the grandma had a gun on the back of her head! 16 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
More gun safety education would be a better idea. As in mandatory classes for everybody.
Me this morning mid-bite 2 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
It's more of a panini I think.
What do you meant by that??? It's not included in the hotel room payment? 8 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
They put it there for your use, whether you use it there or at home later it's still yours to use.
Always happens to me 10 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Complain about every post being on every site 3 times or more. Says hes going to other site instead of this one.
That makes sense.
To have fun 9 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
I believe I can fly.
Wh**e-sister-shire 16 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
I just call it wor sauce.
When doctors start protesting 2 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Someone call in the pharmacists to translate.
k 4 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Now more people are gonna put up windmills to spite him. Win-win.
Ah karma sweet karma 9 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Nothing of importance was lost.
So this happened tonight at the local Walmart 5 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Triple plot twist, this happened over a year ago.
Dude knows how to burn others 74 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Using a "toy" is not sex either, but the word is still used.
Somewhere, in a galaxy far, far away, there's a creature like this except it's 8 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
More like a vampire horse fish.
Shoot for the stars 3 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
coulda been asking for a C but decided he deserved more than that.
Test your real strength 4 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Last I heard SJW got wind of it and said it was animal abuse so we can't do it anymore.
I could be wrong, I read it on the internet after all.
Behold the face of shame 2 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
He's just marking the ones that are his.
This is one of my all time favorites 10 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
I'm calling the police 2 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
First I actually snorted at all day.
I could move in here 8 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
Better then being forced to get a government loan you can't pay back for 40 years that the government has to write off. Money is still just f*ing gone.
Just some dudes who went to the Moon 6 comments
jd1984 · 5 years ago
As the most well known astronaut he must always stand out, even in a group of other astronauts.