Park rules 39 comments
· 10 years ago
the lesser known, but safer (if you can find it, I mean) cousin to the Dog Park.
When fandoms, Katy Perry and tumblr meet 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Welcome to Nightvale is in there as well, and some of the others include
Les Miserables
the Great Gatsby
and Torchwood
Still more I'm sure, but most of the ones I recognized were in the previous comments.
Les Miserables
the Great Gatsby
and Torchwood
Still more I'm sure, but most of the ones I recognized were in the previous comments.
I want this slide in every library 9 comments
· 10 years ago
*walks up to librarian* hey, do you have this book?
*librarian looks at title*
*slides down three levels*
*climbs back up holding book*
*librarian looks at title*
*slides down three levels*
*climbs back up holding book*
Vegans take it too far sometimes 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Tell that to my cat, after we tried it we finally gave in and got an allergy testing, I'm not sure what the full details were but I believe the basic thing is that she's allergic to a protein found in meat. We used to feed her fish, a tiny bit of tuna every day before breakfast, and cat food with meat, but now we can't or else she gets extremely sick out of both ends. Luckily, even with that she's still off a vegan diet!
Vegans take it too far sometimes 20 comments
· 10 years ago
One time we tried our cat on a vegan diet, just because she was getting sick on everything else we fed her and desperation was setting in.
It only made her sicker.
It only made her sicker.
Reasons for admission 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I read "small pox" as "small fox" and stared at the screen for five minutes until I finally realized.
Which will you choose? 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Around the universe, then when I come back it'll be the future, and if I looked at the earth from a distance I'd see the past.
Everyone wins!
Everyone wins!
How much practice must this take? 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Can you imagine practicing things like this though?
*tap tap tap CRASH*
"dammit, third one this week."
*tap tap tap CRASH*
"dammit, third one this week."
Hate it when the door is sealed 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, when I commented, I would've sworn on the life of a family member that the title said "closed."
One sacrifice pill, please... *stares at Allegiant with tears in her eyes* 56 comments
· 10 years ago
*makes grabby hands for the life ones*
I need allllllllll of these. For reasons.
Edited 10 years ago
I need allllllllll of these. For reasons.
This is the Alexandria's Syndrome of the violet eyes! 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes actually, unless the author kills them off early! ^-^
But in all honesty, no, eye colors do not contribute to a longer lifespan. Not enough for it to be noticeable anyway.
Edited 10 years ago
But in all honesty, no, eye colors do not contribute to a longer lifespan. Not enough for it to be noticeable anyway.
Thighs that could crush your skull 10 comments
· 10 years ago
And here we see a chain of these elusive creatures, known as Surferus Strongestus, with several males at the back patiently following the lead female. It seems to be a sort of ritual they go through. The female will begin by picking up and incredibly heavy rock and go on a short journey on the ocean floor with it, a sign of strength and endurance. Curious males will begin following to see how long she will last. The crowd often disperses after it is done, and a handful of these males will return later for the next ritual of this sort. At the end of however many get done, the female will have a lifelong mate.
Edited 10 years ago
An adorable just-hatched snake 14 comments
· 10 years ago
"what's this thing? Is it noms? Can I eats it? I can eats it. Omnomnom."
I see it first then 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Really? Well, I'm terribly sorry, my friend told me this joke and I haven't read yesterday's posts due to an extremely annoying tablet. If I'd known it was posted I'd have kept my mouth shut.
Voluntarily doing a gluten-free diet is pretty much the stupidest thing 28 comments
· 10 years ago
My cousin can't eat gluten, and one time at Christmas (we didn't know at the time) he had a bunch of twizzlers and was sick for days, because apparently those have a lot of gluten in them, he finally got a test and is a lot healthier now that he doesn't eat it. I can't say I'd voluntarily give it up (although damn those gluten-free graham crackers are delicious) but not everyone has the choice to eat it or not!
(also, part of me wants to make a Nightvale reference, so avoid wheat and wheat by-products as they may turn into highly venomous snakes.)
(also, part of me wants to make a Nightvale reference, so avoid wheat and wheat by-products as they may turn into highly venomous snakes.)
No Survivors 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I guess you could call it a...
( •_•)>⌐■-■
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Just to break your hearts... 22 comments
· 10 years ago
The rover can't come home because there's no way back (not with the technology it has, at least) and is wondering why it can't go home after its expedition was over.
I'm not crying, it's...um...raining on my face. Yep.
Edited 10 years ago
I'm not crying, it's...um...raining on my face. Yep.
Sleeping in Dreams 5 comments
· 10 years ago
This happened to me once, I was at a sleepover with a friend and woke up so well-rested you wouldn't believe.
And then I got to go back home to my internet haha goodbye perfect sleep
Edited 10 years ago
And then I got to go back home to my internet haha goodbye perfect sleep
To victory!! 9 comments
A very scary fact 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't leave the house that often, but I do walk past a mirror at least seven times a day, does that count?
3D tattoo 12 comments
WOW! WHERE??? 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I think I see it, if you look closely in the lower left corner you can barely make out the outline. It takes a bit of squinting to see it.
Edited 10 years ago