Incredible painting skills 23 comments
· 10 years ago
So is it a painting or a picture ? Conflicting captions D:
Spider-Man and The Avengers 7 comments
Junior 23 comments
But it could be a Velociraptor 15 comments
If Disney villains were anime style 47 comments
Exiting a public bathroom 9 comments
· 10 years ago
The worst thing, is in the job I'm in - I have to shake lots of hands. I hate it.
Ingredients For a Perfect World 3 comments
That's humans for ya 9 comments
· 10 years ago
"Mars One will establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Crews of four will depart every two years, starting in 2024. Our first unmanned mission will be launched in 2018. Join the Global Mars One Community and participate in our mission to Mars. - See more at: http://www.mars-one.com/#sthash.Jxs0jylv.dpuf"
They're still raising money.
They're still raising money.
Epic drawing of RDJ as Iron Man a friend drew for me : D 9 comments
· 10 years ago
He has, see that little black squiggle on the bottom right near his chest?
That's humans for ya 9 comments
That's humans for ya 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Makes me so sad. They RACED to get there, got there, and then were like... now what? It should still be a thing.
Dat Face Tho 12 comments
Dat Face Tho 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you know we can tell that you're the same person?
Epic drawing of RDJ as Iron Man a friend drew for me : D 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I KNOW RIGHT! And I get to have this in my room : D
Edit: View the source for more of his epicness!
Edited 10 years ago
Edit: View the source for more of his epicness!
Seriously, it can't be good for business 3 comments
· 10 years ago
This is an honest to god true story:
So a few years ago my dad was driving me and my bf somewhere on the motorway, and we see this car up front that's swerving and being erratic.
We're all like, jesus what's their problem.
As we get closer we see "FOR SALE CALE 07XXXXXXX"
So as a joke I take the number, saying that I might call them and tell them to learn how to drive.
As we pass them, I notice that the woman driving, is DOING HER MASCARA in the mirror, going 80MPH!
I was livid. So I ring the number.
"Hi, I'm calling about the Renualt you have for sale? I was just wondering, are you driving it right now?"
"Uhhh yeah... why?"
"Well first off, stop being so reckless! You're driving like a mad man, swerving all over the road. You shouldn't be doing your mascara in the mirror or even talking on the phone! Just thought you should know."
"Oh... thanks?"
The car dropped it's speed in half. Was highly amusing xD
So a few years ago my dad was driving me and my bf somewhere on the motorway, and we see this car up front that's swerving and being erratic.
We're all like, jesus what's their problem.
As we get closer we see "FOR SALE CALE 07XXXXXXX"
So as a joke I take the number, saying that I might call them and tell them to learn how to drive.
As we pass them, I notice that the woman driving, is DOING HER MASCARA in the mirror, going 80MPH!
I was livid. So I ring the number.
"Hi, I'm calling about the Renualt you have for sale? I was just wondering, are you driving it right now?"
"Uhhh yeah... why?"
"Well first off, stop being so reckless! You're driving like a mad man, swerving all over the road. You shouldn't be doing your mascara in the mirror or even talking on the phone! Just thought you should know."
"Oh... thanks?"
The car dropped it's speed in half. Was highly amusing xD
Every Time. 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah! Like, we all used to actually talk on MSN. Now people have Facebook, they just stalk each other and bitch rather than talk -.-
Wearing cat 4 comments
· 10 years ago
OH MY GOD. I wish we could have had cats at my graduation! Though throwing them might have been a tad noisy/dangerous/cruel xD
Exiting a public bathroom 9 comments
· 10 years ago
But that's even worse D: cos then your sleeves have all the germs on, and they'll be there until you wash your sleeve! Every time you eat that germy sleeve will be sitting next to your food, every time you wash your hands, the germs will go right back on cos they're on your sleeve. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!