Owls in Japan 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Depends where you live. Last year I went to Japan and for coach it came out to $1300. I drove to Austin TX, (I live like three hours away from there). flew to San Francisco. Than flew to Japan. Two weeks round trip. My advice, always book a flight 2 to 3 months before leaving. Prices are usually good around that time range.
It's a small world 25 comments
· 10 years ago
Austrilian is it's own Continent for crying out loud. Of course it isn't fair.
When the US and Germany discovered they could tie to both move on 10 comments
· 10 years ago
That's so true. Game is tomorrow at 11:00 us central time. I'll be rooting for the U.S. If it's tied both teams will move on since they are on the top of the group. The other two will be eliminated. That's if they tie only though
f*ck squids 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Now this post is funsubstance at its best. Kudos for the post. This made my day.
When my student loan provider sends me a happy birthday email 4 comments
· 10 years ago
It's tough for a foreigner who studies in the U.S to get a loan. Yes there are programs but they are limited. Most loans require that a U.S citizen has to be the co signer of the loan you apply for. It's possible
The downs of being a doctor 39 comments
· 10 years ago
Studying to be a doctor, these kinds of people are why I changed fields from general surgeon to research and finding cures instead. I love to help people but at the same time, fuck dealing with idiots like them.
When people show me pictures of their children/grandchildren 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Obviously you do give a fuck or you wouldn't go through the trouble to make a post explaining what it is you don't give a fuck about. Think about it.
Test logic 6 comments
· 10 years ago
As you lower your standards, you stop giving a fuck. This is me on every test.
And no matter how educated you are, you'll still be unable to fix it. 28 comments
· 10 years ago
You're for both sentences. I see other errors but let's leave it at that.
Spoken words of wisdom 14 comments
Everyone should know about this guy 45 comments
· 10 years ago
Really what can we do? I want to go in there and fuck shit up with North Korea and bring down their regime. Unfortunately North Korea would retaliate quickly by killing millions of South Koreans. Sure we could topple the north in a matter of days but still, millions of people would be dead. It will be an all out blood bath. Plus there is a problem with China using North Korea as a buffer state to keep it separated from the south which hosts 26,000 U.S troops. World War III could start just because of this. The world governments need to get involve in the crisis and help the poor people out. I just don't see that happening because aid has been given to North Korea but they never keep their end of the bargin. Causing fewer countries to trust them.
A powerful message 19 comments
· 10 years ago
That's exactly the kind of commercials we need. It's a dark reminder that if you don't pay attention, your life can change instantly
Coincidence? I think not 14 comments
They're watching 12 comments
· 10 years ago
That's actually kinda freaky. Imagine someone having their eyes on you all the time without you knowing..
Wearing new caps 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I get it, reposts are annoying as hell. I agree with you on that. I have seen soo many people say "repost" on a post, day in and day out. And not once have I ever seen a repost from 1 to 2. Hours ago. Okay fine weeks or months cool, but every time I see a post that is new to me, which pretty much is all of them, I always see the same damn "repost". Comment. Which gave me the impression that many of those people are on this site more often then they should be and need to go out more. Yes I'm logged in all the time, but I check it every so often. The repost comment does nothing because it's pretty clear, people keep reporting the same stuff anyway.
Wearing new caps 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Shut up with these reports already seriously. For someone like me who is hardly on this site. These posts are new to me and check in at least twice a day. If you keep seeing reposts and you are on constantly all the time, maybe you need to get out more. Just saying. And that goes for all the people that say
repost and don't comment any farther. Yeah, like saying one word is going to stop that from happening.
repost and don't comment any farther. Yeah, like saying one word is going to stop that from happening.
Worst Jokes in existence 12 comments
Finally 16 comments
Finally 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah but the Japanese government are still going to continue the hunt. I believe they are going to set sail in the near future. But they would go to a different location and not in Antartica I believe.
One in four americans 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually you do need people's opinion, even if they are against the facts. It's their opinion which elects the political officials which decide if changes need to be made or not. Duh